
Tabula Rasa Resident Application

Tabula Rasa will review your application and make a decision regarding residency using the information you provide below. We do not and will never discriminate against potential residents based on race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please contact the Director of Operations for Tabula Rasa using contact information found on the Tabula Rasa website or contact the New Hampshire Coalition of Recovery Residences through their website.


Date: Date

First Name:Client first name   Last name: Client last name   

Date of Birth: Client birthdate     Requested Date of Move-In: Date

Home Address:Client AddressClient CityClient StateClient ZipCurrent Phone Number:Client phone

Current Email:Client email

Marrital Status: Client marital status                         


Have you lived at Tabula Rasa before:Dropdown

If yes, please list the dates: Arrived: Text field Departed:Text field

Who referred you to Tabula Rasa: Client Referred By

Please provide your current and past treatment facilites:TreatmentCenterHistory

Please list your past sober living residences: SoberLivingHistory

Have you ever participated in a 12-Step program in the past:Dropdown

If yes, what step are you currently working on?Client step

Do you have a sponsor?Dropdown

If yes, what is their name?Text field


Date of last use:Date

Drug of Choice:Text field

Have you abused perscription medications in the past?Dropdown

What is your longest period of abstinence:Text field


When was your most recent drug screening?Date

Do you smoke tobacco or nicotine products:Dropdown If yes, how much daily?Text field


Have you ever been treated for a diagnosed mental health conditions?Dropdown

If yes, please select all diagnosesClient diagnosis

Were you hospitalized for any of these diagnosises?Dropdown

Do you currently take medication?Dropdown

Please list the medication and dose:Medication

Have you seriously thought of, planned or attempted suicide?Dropdown

Are you currently on a Medication Assisted Recovery plan?Medication

If yes, what medication are you on?Text field

Medical/Physical Condition:

Client health problems

Employment History/Financial Resources:

Are you currently able to work full time (40 hours/week):Dropdown

Please list the kinds of jobs you had in the past:Text field

Are you currently on public assistance?Dropdown

If no, what is yourcurrent source of income?Text field

Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military?Dropdown

If yes, which branch?Dropdown

Family History:

Please list the members of your family in which you grew up that have had substance abuse issues:


Do you have dependent children?Dropdown

If yes, do you have custody or a visitation order in place?Dropdown

Education History:


Legal History:

Past Legal Issues:

Please list any past charges, convictions, prison sentences, DWI, probations, paroles, etc.


Current Legal Issues:

Please list any current charges, court cases pending, probation, etc. that you are facing:


Please include name, office and telephone number of any parole or probation officer following your case.


Personal Statement:

Briefly explain what you expect to gain from becoming a member of Tabula Rasa.


Briefly explain what you can offer Tabula Rasa and its current residents.


Other comments:


Financial Information:

Housing fees for Tabula Rasa are currently set at $800.00 per month or $200.00 per week. Housing fees include a furnashed bed space (bed, night stand, shared dresser and shared closet), utilities, internet, live cable streaming service, free washer and dryer, household goods to include papertowels, toilet paper and coffee. The resident is responsible for personal toiletry items and food.

Tabula Rasa does charge a non-refundable fee of $100.00 at the time of move-in. The resident will recieve a copy of the Big Bool, a notebook, and new bedding. 

Refunds for any portion of the housing fees that are due to the resident at the time of seperation will be returned within 5-7 business days. Refunds will not be granted for any reason if the resident does not follow the Tabuka Rasa seperation policy, which would include scenarios such as a failed UA, relapse or violation of house rules that result in the Tabula Rasa leadership enforcinga separation with the resident.

From time to time, residents will recieve scholarships from third party payers that help to cover move in fees or housing costs. Tabula Rasa will provide notification, in writing, to the resident when any payment is made by a third party on their behalf.Initials Text field

I attest that I have read, in full, and understand the information in this application. My signature below indicates my interest in becoming a resident at Tabula Rasa.

