Lighthouse Application for Admission DOC and Jail Inmates

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DOC Inmate Application for Admission  

Name: Client first nameClient last name       Date: Date                                                                  

Date of Birth: Client birthdate                                               Age:Text field                   Marital Status: Client marital status  

Biological Sex: Client gender   Gender You Identify As: Client gender  

Preferred Pronouns:Client pronoun

Email: Client email        Phone Number: Client phone                                                                  

Are you currently in a relationship?  Checkboxes  If yes, please give details: Paragraph                                                                                    

Ages of Children:Text field                                                                            

Do you have regular contact with your children? Checkboxes     If no, please explain: Paragraph                                                                    

Ethnicity: Client ethnicity

DOC Number: Text field     Name of Jail/Prison: Text field                                                                                   

Currently Housed In:    (Pick One)  Low Security    Medium Security   High Security Dropdown

Why are you incarcerated? Paragraph                                                                                                                                                           

How long have you been incarcerated?Paragraph                                                                                                                                        

Disciplinary Action while incarcerated?Paragraph                                                                                                                                        

When do you expect to be released? Text field                                                                                                                                            

Case Manager:Text field                                                                    

Case Manager Phone Number: Text field                                                               

Case Manager Email:Client email                                                         

Case Manager Fax Number: Text field                                                                

When you are released will you be on Parole?  Text field     

How long will you be on parole? Text field                                                             

Have you ever been convicted or accused of a sexual crime? Checkboxes    a Violent Crime? Checkboxes   or Arson? Checkboxes  

Please list all felonies and misdemeanors, including approximate dates:Paragraph                                                                                    



What are your addictions / drug(s) of choice?  Client substances of choice                                                                                                                                   

When is the last time you used:Date         

How long have you used? Text field                                                 

What drugs have you used in the last year? Paragraph                                                                                                                           

Have you ever been to treatment: Checkboxes    Where: Text field                                                      When:Date                                         

What is the longest clean time you’ve had in the last 5 years? (including time in jail or prison) Text field

What is the longest clean time you’ve had in the last 5 years on the streets? Text field

What are your mental health challenges, if any? Paragraph                                                                                                                        

Do you have any gang affiliations?  Checkboxes          Are you on any prescription medications? Checkboxes

What medications:Text field                                                                                                                                                                         

Are you planning to change prescription medications upon release?  Checkboxes   

If so, what new medications will you be taking? Paragraph                                                                                                                                                                                          

Do you have any diseases? Checkboxes   If yes what? Paragraph                                                                                                                           

Do you have any physical limitations?Paragraph                                                                                                                                         

Are you able to use stairs daily (up to 2 flights) to get to your bedroom?  Checkboxes

Are you able to climb a ladder to a top bunk?  Checkboxes   If no, why? Paragraph                                                                                        

If no, can you provide documentation from a doctor that a bottom bunk is a medical necessity?  Checkboxes

Are you able to work?  Checkboxes   When is the last time you worked? Text field                                                                                          

What type of work do you do?Paragraph                                                                                                                                                    

Other sources of income: Text field           How much? Text field                                                                       

Are you able to pre-pay $850 for your first month PRIOR to receiving an acceptance letter?  Checkboxes

If yes, please list contact name and number so we are able to verify funds:Paragraph

Once at Lighthouse, will you be able to pay Monthly Fees of $750?  Checkboxes

Why do you want to come to Lighthouse? Paragraph                                                                                                                                     



Please rate yourself in the area of cleanliness/organization (On a scale of 1 to 10) Dropdown           

                                                                                                   (1 being very messy and 10 being OCD neat and clean)

Are you a heavy, medium, or light sleeper?Text field                                                                                

Do you snore? Checkboxes

Have you participated in the program at Lighthouse previously?  Checkboxes    If yes, when? Text field

 What is your level of interest in the Lighthouse Program? Dropdown    

(1 being only minimally interested as a backup plan and 10 being 100% certain you will come to Lighthouse immediately upon your release if accepted)

What other facilities are you considering besides Lighthouse? Text field                                                                                    

Are you able to make a definite commitment to complete Phases 0-4 of the Lighthouse Program?  Checkboxes 

(This takes a minimum of 4 months and will be a condition of your parole. It could take longer if you do not phase up as quickly as possible.)

How long do you see yourself staying in a program like Lighthouse? Client estimated length of stay                                                                           

If you are not able to come to Lighthouse, what will your living situation consist of upon your release? Paragraph                                  


Certifications - Please initial each statement below.

I understand that it is a requirement to have a clean drug test to move into the Lighthouse, and at all times

while Participating in the Lighthouse program.  


Initials Text field I understand that collection of urine specimens will be supervised by Lighthouse staff to ensure the integrity of the 



Initials Text field I have read and understand the basic expectations of the Lighthouse Program, including employment, weekly

          meeting, chore, and curfew expectations, and agree to fulfill these expectations if accepted to the program.


Initials Text field I have read and understand Lighthouse’s Medication Policy and agree to abide by it if accepted to the program. 


Initials Text field I understand that Lighthouse regularly tests for specialty drugs including but not limited to: SubOxone, methadone,

          kratom, spice, fentanyl, acid, mushrooms, gabapentin, etc.


I certify that all of the information I have provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I understand that if at any time during my participation in the program at the Lighthouse that the information I have provided is found to be inaccurate or incomplete it will be grounds for immediate discharge from the Lighthouse. 

Signature: Signature                                                                                                                                   Date:Date                            


Printed Name: Signature                                                                                                            


By continuing, you agree that your electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to your handwritten signature. Whenever you execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as your handwritten signature. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding.




References to Assist in Admission Decision – Please list references who know you and your addiction history.  Lighthouse prefers to have at least 1 professional reference and at least 1 personal reference.


Applicant Name: Text fieldText field   Date:   Date                                               


Applicant DOB: Date       Applicant SS#: SSN


Parole – Specify County Text field    

Abundance Foundation: Text field                    

Probation: Text field                     

Larimer County Pre-Trial: Text field

Larimer County Community Corrections: Text field                                                                    

Homeward Alliance: Text field

Summitstone Health Partners: Text field                                                                  

Public Defenders’ Office: Text field    

Department of Human Services: Text field                                                          

Catholic Charities: Text field

Attorney: Text field                        

Rescue Mission: Text field

Hospital: Text field                        

Harvest Farm: Text field

Doctor: Text field                                                                                                   

Recovery Coach: Text field

Counselor/ Therapist: Text field                                                                                                     

Colorado Dept of Corrections: Text field           

 Parents: Text field                                                                                                                                                                                                    

 Siblings: Text field                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 Children: Text field                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

 Other Contact(s): Text field                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 Other Contact(s): Text field                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Authorization to Release Confidential Information:  I, Text fieldText field, authorize the Lighthouse to retrieve from, release to, and exchange information with the above listed people / entities.  I understand that the purpose of this release of information is to assist with my admission decision.  I understand that this consent is voluntary and will remain in effect for two years from the date signed, unless I revoke this consent in writing prior to that time. 

Signature: Signature Date: Date

By continuing, you agree that your electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to your handwritten signature. Whenever you execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as your handwritten signature. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding.

Complete this portion only to REVOKE the Authorization to Release Confidential Information Above: 

I, Text fieldText field, hereby revoke my authorization for the Lighthouse to retrieve from, release to, and exchange information with the above listed people / entities as of                                                                      . 

Signature: Signature Date: Date