RRRLP Application

Prior to completing application, please read the program overview:

Recovery Living Mission

Our mission is to help our community thrive beyond addiction. We do this through our individual recovery and our drive to support others to recover from addiction. When we recover, those around us heal. This ripples through our family and into our community and beyond. We desire to see people live life to their individual potential and we believe recovery starts at home. We must learn to live differently, and this begins with new behaviors, practices, and new ideas. Though this can be a daunting and arduous process, with willingness and commitment, people recover. It is our desire to improve our community one recovered addict at a time.

Our Recovery Living Program

Our program is a gender specific men’s program. Our program is designed to connect people with any and all available resources to support their recovery and their personal journey to the life they want for themselves. Though this can vary by individual, there are guiding principles that are fostered throughout our program. This includes connection, respect, honesty, responsibility, and service. We utilize our connections with services in our community to support people to gain the necessary skills to thrive in life. Our program is designed to connect people with services for mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical health, spiritual guidance, life skills, employment, education, transportation and independent housing opportunities. Our Recovery Living Program is not simply a place to live, but a program designed to support people to learn to thrive without the need for substances. Our program requires participation and willingness from each program participant.

In addition to connection to all known and available resources, our program will provide for the basic operations of the home. The weekly program fee includes provision of housing, utilities, internet, laundry facilities and products, toilet paper and household cleaning supplies. Upon admission, an initial food and hygiene supply will be provided. If a participant needs food and/or hygiene, PLEASE notify RR staff immediately.

General Overview

These guidelines are designed to ensure that participants understand what is expected of them when living at a Recovery Resources Recovery Home, as well as to inform the public of Recovery Resources standards. These guidelines are subject to change. This is not a complete list of rules and/or violations that may occur; Recovery Resources Recovery Housing asks that participants use common sense and consult staff with any questions during their program participation.

Recovery Resources Recovery Housing is designed to accomplish several things. It can be tempting to see rules, regulations, and expectations as restrictive or punishing. But like any of the new tools you will be learning in recovery, you should know that when we make a point to work with it, not against it, we benefit in personal growth. Any group of people living together clearly requires organization and teamwork for the house to run and function smoothly. Weekly mandatory House meetings will be held. All house issues, concerns, business will be discussed at this meeting weekly. Any grievances or concerns are to be brought up at the house meetings, or to a Recovery Resources staff. Any immediate issues should be addressed directly with Recovery Resources staff as they arise.

Zero Tolerance Policy

·  Relapse – including misuse/abuse of any prescription/ over the counter medications (Recovery Resources will assist the participant in finding appropriate treatment and participant will be allowed to reapply for housing after 30 days.)

·  Failure to submit to drug or alcohol screenings.

·  Failure to lock prescription medications in lockboxes.

·  Violence, threats of violence, acts of aggression, or possession of weapons.

·  Committing a crime on OR off property, including theft of another member’s food/belongings.

·  Bigotry of any kind.

·  Allowing a guest in your room.

·  Knowledge of a member breaking a zero-tolerance policy and failing to inform staff.

·  Willful and purposeful disregard for house rules.

·  Bullying in any form.

·  Blatant disrespect toward staff, volunteers, interns or other program participants.

·  Disrespect/ disturbance of the neighbors and/or community.


Those looking to be considered for placement in Recovery Resources Recovery Housing must first submit an application. Providers and potential participants will contact Recovery Resources directors for these forms. Completed forms are to be submitted to Recovery Resources directors. Once reviewed, a Recovery Resources staff member will contact you regarding availability and interview. Recovery Housing is not a perfect fit for everyone. It requires commitment from the participant to engage in a recovery program and ongoing willingness to thrive beyond addiction.  

Drug/Alcohol Screening

All members are required to submit to regular drug/alcohol screens. Screening will be conducted a minimum of one time per week, and a positive screen or refusal to submit to a screen will result in immediate discharge. Screening also includes prescription/over-the-counter medications, and any abuse of these will result in immediate discharge.

Members must abstain from all mind and mood-altering substances. This includes (but not limited to) illegal narcotics, alcohol, prescription-drug abuse of any kind, abuse of over-the-counter medications, kava/kratom, inhalants, hallucinogens, K2/Spice, synthetic mind-altering compounds, CBD oil (or any form of marijuana/CBD derivative), gabapentin, etc. This is by no means a complete list of banned substances, and members should ALWAYS defer to directors in any matters relating to substance questions.

Medication lockboxes will be provided for participants. Participants are required to use medication lockboxes for ALL medications. Prescription medications are subject to pill counts and must be taken AS PRESCRIBED. Failure to lock medications in boxes or take medications as prescribed can result in eviction.

Medication Policies

Recovery Resources Recovery Housing is not a medical facility. There are no medically trained staff on site. Upon intake, members are required to disclose ALL prescription medications. Members must promptly inform staff of ANY changes in their medications (including change in dose). Before starting new prescriptions, members must inform staff; this should be done BEFORE filling the prescription. You must be able to administer your own medications and medications are to be kept in their original containers with the label intact. Medication should ALWAYS be kept out of sight and in a lock box, and staff reserve the right to conduct random pill counts with you present.

Certain prescription medications (including scheduled prescription medicines) are NOT allowed at Recovery Resources Recovery Housing. If you have a question about a medication, please consult directors. In the case of a major medical event requiring prohibited medications, the staff and participant will work together to formulate a plan of action in the best interest of the safety of the participant, housemates, and staff. The safety of all residents of the home must be considered in all matters.  

Groups & Employment

It is our goal to assist people to be independent and self-supporting. Employment is a priority. Our recovery living program requires that participants locate sustainable employment. Recovery Resources will provide support and connection for employment opportunities. Recovery Resources Recovery Housing requires all residents to attend recovery meetings weekly. The required amount of meetings changes based on participants Phase placement. Recovery Resources also has relationships with several outpatient sites and will assist in establishing placement in such services. Participants will be required to attend Out-Patient services and/or volunteer if they are not employed. Staying busy and establishing new routines and habits are an important part of early recovery. Recovery Resources staff are in long-term recovery and will provide peer support for participants. Members will be required to have legal employment within 30 days of moving into the house. Each phase of the housing program will require different attendance in various groups.  The Recovery Resources Recovery Living Program will bring various options for recovery to the house for participants including guest speakers from local 12 step fellowships, churches, faith-based organizations, and life skill advisors.

Personal Belongings

Recovery Resources is not responsible or liable for participants’ personal belongings. Personal medications are individual’s responsibility. Medications are to be locked in personal individual lockboxes and kept in personal space. Valuables such as money, jewelry, and electronics are the resident’s personal responsibility and should be secured at all times. Members are not permitted to lend personal property/money, gamble, drive each other’s vehicles, or enter an unattended bedroom. We have limited storage space in the rooms, so we suggest packing light and bringing further belongings as needed. For questions regarding specific personal items allowed at Recovery Resources Recovery Living please contact directors.

Personal Cleanliness & Chores

Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms neat and orderly. Beds should be made, personal belongings organized, floors clean, clothing put away, etc. NO smoking or burning of candles/incense inside the house. Members are required to clean up after themselves in the kitchen, bathroom, and all common areas of the house; personal items (book bags, keys, phone changers, etc.) should not be left unattended in any common areas. Each member will be assigned daily house chores and basic personal hygiene is expected. Recovery is about learning to care for ourselves and for others. Respect begins at home.

Respect & Consideration

Recovery Resources operates in a “family” atmosphere and residents are expected to be considerate of each other. Excessive noise and disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated. Members are required to respect other members personal property, the house, the neighborhood, and the community. Members are also responsible for their visitors who are expected to conduct themselves properly. Failure to meet these basic levels of respect could lead to consequences up to and including eviction.

Phase System

Recovery Resources uses a phase system to allow participants to gradually progress through the program. The phases are designed to mimic life outside the recovery living program. The goal of the phases is to present members with an opportunity to receive additional privileges as they abide by program guidelines and grow in their recovery. Disciplinary action can result in loss of phase. The following is a general guideline of the phases, and privileges may vary on an individual basis.

All program participants begin in Phase 1 unless otherwise specified. Before requesting phase 2, residents will need to have a “sponsor” (mentor, guide, coach) within a recovery program. Residents will need to write a one-page paper on powerlessness and unmanageability and present to directors. This can be done any time during phase 1. Participants are expected to begin working with a sponsor within the first week of the recovery living program     

·   To apply for phase 2 – Eligible to apply after 30 days in the home and all other program requirements are met. Participants will need to have a “sponsor” (mentor, guide, coach) within a recovery program with whom they are working with consistently. Participants will need to write a one-page paper on powerlessness and unmanageability and present to directors. This can be done any time during phase 1. Prior to applying for phase 2, participants will have chosen a home group and demonstrate service to that home group.

·   To apply for phase 3 - Eligible to apply after 60 days in phase 2 and all other program requirements are met. Participants will have three people submit character references for them to directors (not including significant others, housemates, or sponsors). Participants will have completed a 5th step with a sponsor.
*In phase 3, participants have the option to drop one in house mtg and attend an outside recovery meeting in place. Total of 5 meetings per week including in house staff led meeting.

 ·   To apply for phase 4 - Eligible to apply after 90 days in phase 3 and all other program requirements are met. Participants will need to have attempted 3 amends (correcting the past mistakes) and share this experience with house during house meeting. Have a service commitment in recovery community you attend regularly and consistently. Participant will develop 3 personalized goals specific to their circumstances and present to directors.
*In phase 4, participants will attend the staff led in house meeting and 3 outside recovery meetings at minimum for a total of 4 meetings. 

·   To be eligible for graduation and one month program fee forgiveness - participant will complete a discharge/ exit plan presented to directors at minimum one month before transition date. Participant will share their recovery story during a recovery meeting. Participant will have demonstrated completion of 3 personalized goals as set in phase 3 and share with housemates and directors.

*Special occasions including holidays and vacations will be addressed on an individual basis regarding visitation and overnights. Residents must request overnights via group messenger with housemates and staff. Request must be made 72 hours in advance. No more than 3 nights in a row outside of the house are allowed. Special circumstances and emergencies will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


Visitors are welcome in the home. Visitors will be asked to sign in and sign out. Visitors will be under surveillance in the common areas of the home and outside the home. Visitors are subject to random drug and alcohol screenings. Visitors must abide by the rules and expectations of the home including respect of the other residents and neighbors. Recovery Resources staff have the right to ask visitors to vacate the premises at any time. Visitors are allowed between 7am and 10pm Sunday and Thursday and 7am and 12am on Friday and Saturday.

Supervision, Administration and Oversight

Recovery Resources employees no live-in staff. Supervision and oversight will be conducted daily by Recovery Resources staff and volunteers. The outside of the home will have 24-hour surveillance through a security/ camera system. There will also be surveillance in the common areas inside of the home. Recovery Resources staff will utilize the security and surveillance system when not on site. Administration of the operations of the home will be the responsibility of Recovery Resources staff. Staff will be available for conflict resolution. Recovery Resources staff will conduct weekly house meetings to handle financial obligations for the operation of the home.

Partnerships and Connections

All policies and expectations are those of the Recovery Resources Recovery Living Program. Any participant involved with outside entities including but not limited to Recovery Courts, Day Reporting Center, Probation and Parole MUST adhere to those specific policies above and beyond resident requirements. Participants must be in compliance with governing entities in order to remain in good standing with the RR Recovery Living Program. When Releases of Information are obtained and signed, RR administration will share information according to releases, as requested. We intend to work in partnership with these local entities to support participants in our programs.


·   Participant move in fee: $200 (due at move-in, non-refundable)

·   Weekly Payment for housing/ living expenses: $150

·   Late Fee: $30 each week payment is late (or $5 per day)

Payments are to be made at the weekly house meeting. Payments are to be made in the form of money order addressed to Recovery Resources TN. Payment can be made via Venmo when approved by Recovery Resources directors. Payment not received at the house meeting will begin occurring a $5 late fee every day payment is late. Past due balances will be addressed at each weekly house meeting. Recovery Resources staff will address past due balances on an individual basis and intervention will be provided.

Recovery Resources will NOT refuse a participant admission into recovery living due to inability to pay program fees. Recovery Resources will work with participants to find employment and pay toward their balance. Recovery Resources has several community partners willing to hire those in recovery.

Participants will be charged for the full week during which they discharge from the program. This charge will be an administrative charge for coordination, documentation, empty bed space and time to fill the bed.


Recovery Resources assumes zero liability for theft, loss of property, injury and/ or death, any harm caused by negligence, irresponsible behavior, or failure to comply with program rules as reviewed and agreed upon during the admission process.





Application for Recovery Resources Residential Living Program for Men

NAME: (First, Middle, Last): Client first nameClient middle nameClient last name

Phone Number: Client phone

Current living situation: Client AddressClient CityClient StateClient Zip

If no current address, please explain: Paragraph

Date of birth: Client birthdate

Are you in the military or a veteran: Client veteran status

Are you currently using drugs and/ or alcohol: Dropdown

Marital status: Client marital status

Do you have children? List ages/ genders:Paragraph

Custody of children: Paragraph

Do you have a regular physician? Checkboxes

Do you have any medical diagnoses? Client health problems
If yes, please explain: Paragraph

Do you have any mental health diagnoses? Client diagnosis
If yes, please explain: Paragraph

Are you prescribed any medications? Checkboxes
Please list ALL medications as prescribed: Medication

Any current mobility needs or requirements: Dropdown If yes, please be specific: Paragraph

Are you able to go up and down stairs: Dropdown

Please explain HISTORY of drug and/or alcohol use; List ALL drugs used in the past: Paragraph

Have you ever been in drug/ alcohol treatment? TreatmentCenterHistory

Inpatient: Checkboxes

Outpatient: Checkboxes

Please list all history of treatment: Paragraph

Are you employed? Checkboxes Current employer: Text field


Weekly income: Text field

Non-refundable move in fee is $200 and weekly program fee is $150. Do you have a way to pay for this? Checkboxes

Is there any reason you are UNABLE to work? Checkboxes
If so, please explain: Paragraph

Do you have a valid driver's license? Checkboxes
Do you have a vehicle registered to you? Checkboxes
Do you have vehicle insurance? Checkboxes
Please explain if necessary: Paragraph

Criminal history:Criminal History
Any previous convictions: Paragraph

Any pending charges: Paragraph

Are you on probation/ parole? Probation

Have you committed crimes that list you on the sex offender registry? Checkboxes
If so, please explain: Paragraph

Have you ever been convicted of arson charges? Checkboxes

Have you ever lived in sober living/ transitional living/ recovery living? Checkboxes
If so, where and when? SoberLivingHistory

Are you willing to engage and work a 12-step recovery program? Checkboxes


Why are you interested in the Recovery Resources Recovery Living Program? Paragraph

What will you contribute to the recovery community? Paragraph

Desired move in date: Text field


Please review and initial understanding of program rules and expectations: 

General Rules/ Requirements/ Guidelines:
*Rules and guidelines are subject to change based on need and staff discretion.
You are in a recovery living program/ environment. Your success and continuance in this program are dependent upon your consistent healthy and positive behavior and cooperation. Disruptive behavior and/or discourteous behavior WILL NOT be tolerated. Any consumption/ possession of drugs and/or alcohol and/ or violation of any of the following rules/ requirements/ guidelines can/ will result in immediate eviction. Your initials and signature indicate your understanding and agreement. When in doubt…ASK!

Initials Text fieldRandom Drug Testing and Breathalyzers will be given no less than once a week. 

Initials Text fieldProgram participants are subject to Drug Test and Breathalyzers at any time administered by Housing staff or by peers as designated by staff. 

Initials Text fieldFailure to take Drug Screen/Breathalyzer is grounds for automatic eviction. Program participant has one hour to submit to screening as requested. Failure to submit to screen within the one-hour time frame can result in eviction from the program.

Initials Text fieldA positive Drug Screen/Breathalyzer will result in automatic eviction from the program. 

Initials Text fieldProgram participants must wait 30 days to re-apply for housing after positive Drug Screen/Breathalyzer. Re-entry will be at the discretion of directors.

Initials Text fieldPossible completion of Drug and Alcohol treatment or detox program may be required for re-entry into program. 

Initials Text fieldAll Drug Screens/Breathalyzers will be supervised. Peer observed screens require TWO peers to observe. Peer screens are only conducted as authorized by staff.

Initials Text fieldIf a program participant tests positive on a Drug Screen/Breathalyzer housing staff will help with process of referring to a Treatment facility upon program participant’s request. 

Initials Text field As a program participant, I will NOT engage in ANY illegal activity.

Initials Text field As a program participant, I am accountable to report any illegal activity by other program participants while living in the Recovery Resources Recovery Living Home.

Initials Text fieldThe program participant’s current phase will determine curfew and privileges. All phases must follow all rules and be compliant with all requirements of the program to get curfew benefits. Otherwise, curfew for Sunday through Thursday is 10pm, with Friday and Saturday is 12am. Special considerations should be requested from staff at least three days in advance. Emergencies will be addressed as needed. Curfew remains in effect until 6am. Any program participant needing to leave the home prior to 6am must get permission at least three days in advance. Emergency situations must be addressed using group text message thread. Program participant’s working late, early, or overnight hours must post in group message thread when arriving at work and when leaving work.

All program participants begin in Phase 1 unless otherwise specified. Before requesting phase 2, program participants will need to have a “sponsor” (mentor, guide, coach) within a recovery program. Program participants will need to write a one-page paper on powerlessness and unmanageability and present to directors. This can be done any time during phase 1. Participants are expected to begin working with a sponsor within the first week of the recovery living program.
**To apply for phase 2 -Program participants will have selected a “homegroup” (a meeting one can be of service to) that they attend weekly. Have three people from their recovery community submit sealed character references for them to directors (not including significant others, housemates, or sponsors). Eligible to apply after 60 days in the home and all other program requirements are met. Minimum of 30 days in phase 1 before request to phase up.
**To apply for phase 3 -Program participants will need to have attempted 3 amends (correcting the past mistakes) and share this experience with house during house meeting. Eligible to apply after 90 days in the home and all other program requirements are met. Minimum of 30 days in phase 2 before request to phase up.
**To apply for phase 4 -Have a service commitment in recovery community you attend regularly and consistently. Create a discharge plan and present to directors before completing program. This must be done in order to be granted program fee forgiveness for last month in recovery living program.  Eligible to apply after 120 days in the home and all other program requirements are met. Minimum of 30 days in phase 3 before request to phase up.

**Phases will be determined based on amount of time in home and satisfactory progress through program. Program participant must request phase up during weekly house meeting or in group message thread and receive confirmation of satisfactory program progress and financial compliance to phase up and be eligible for next phase privileges.

Initials Text fieldCurfews are subject to change only with work documents stating times of shifts and housing staff PRIOR approval. Shifts starting prior to curfew and extending beyond curfew will require participant posting clock in/clock out shifts in group messenger EACH SHIFT. 
Initials Text fieldVacations and possible additional nights out can be requested and reviewed by RR staff on a case-by-case basis. These must be submitted no less than 3 days in advance and DURING weekly house meetings. All other requests will be denied.

Initials Text fieldAll requests for permission must be submitted via house message thread to all staff.

Initials Text fieldAll visitors are subject to Drug Test/Breathalyzers at any time. If refused, visitor must leave the residence immediately. 

Initials Text fieldAll people entering and exiting the home must sign in regarding arrival times, departure times, who they are visiting and relation to program participant.  

Initials Text fieldAll visitors must leave by 10pm Sunday through Thursday and 12am on Friday and Saturday. No visitors before 8am.

Initials Text fieldRRRLP staff can ask visitors to leave property at any time.

Initials Text fieldAll visitors must remain in the common areas of the home at all times during the visit. No visitors are allowed in personal spaces.

Initials Text field All participants are expected to respect the other members of the home, visitors, guests, and neighbors. This includes avoiding disturbing other participants and neighbors with loud music, loud conversations and yelling. Music/ movies and other entertainment cannot disturb other program participants or neighbors. Disrespecting others will be grounds for intervention up to and including eviction.

Initials Text fieldAll program participants are required to attend the house meeting weekly, anyone not able to attend must get approval from house staff 3 days in advance via house message thread.  

Initials Text fieldAll program participants must participate in house meetings.  

Initials Text fieldAll program participants must attend in-house provided group sessions each week.

Initials Text fieldPill counts, meeting attendance slips, proof of employment, reports of recovery program and service work reports will all be checked at this meeting. 

Initials Text fieldProgram participants need to bring any and all appointments/information about the week ahead to this meeting. 

Initials Text fieldWeekly program fees are due at each house meeting to be paid directly to RR staff via money order. Weekly program fees can be paid throughout the week AT THE HOME during staff home checks. If program participant pays any other time than during weekly house meeting, program participant must utilize group message for a two-part authentication process*.
            (Program participant will message in group message they have paid, the amount they paid and to whom they gave their money order. Named staff will respond in group message that it was received. If the two-part authentication message is not delivered, payment will not be acknowledged until house meeting. If program participant places money order on corkboard during the week, participant must put picture of money order in group message. Program participant is solely responsible for ensuring weekly program fee is paid according to policy and procedure.) Payment will not be accepted outside of these conditions.

Initials Text fieldPayment not received at the house meeting will begin incurring a $5 late fee every day payment is late. RR staff have the discretion to offer grace as circumstances merit and staff deem appropriate.

Initials Text fieldNo tobacco, smokeless tobacco, dipping or vaping of any type to be used inside the house. No spit receptacles are allowed in the home. Smoking/ vaping/ smokeless tobacco areas will be designated outside. 

Initials Text fieldProgram participants are required to use the back porch for smoking, vaping and smokeless tobacco after curfew hours.

Initials Text fieldAny unemployed program participant must show proof of active and ongoing employment seeking.  

Initials Text fieldProgram staff reserves the right to search house, rooms and property of program participants at any time. Any refusal may result in immediate eviction.  

Initials Text fieldAll program participants must attend 2 outside 12 step meetings, faith-based recovery meetings, and alternative recovery meetings each week and show proof at house meetings weekly. 

Initials Text fieldAny suspicion or accusation of theft will be investigated, and action will be taken up to eviction according to staff discretion. 

Initials Text fieldRecovery Resource’s program participants and guests are subject to surveillance while on Recovery Resource's property. 

Initials Text fieldProgram participants will be clothed when in the common areas of the home and outside their personal rooms or bedrooms.

Initials Text fieldProgram participants must wait 30 days to re-apply for housing after eviction from Recovery Resources Recovery Living for any reason. Re-entry to the program is at the discretion of RRRLP directors.

Initials Text fieldProgram participants will be responsible for taking medication as prescribed. Any discrepancies in pill count will be dealt with by program staff up to and including eviction. No scheduled drugs are allowed in the home. Emergency situations require a case-by-case evaluation and necessary action to be determined by staff. Any medication status changes must be updated with staff immediately.

Initials Text fieldThe abuse or misuse of any substance for the purpose of mood or mind alteration will be grounds for immediate eviction.

Initials Text fieldProgram participants must keep all medications in provided lockboxes in their personal space and locked.

Initials Text fieldNo food is allowed in bedrooms, living room or outside of dining area and kitchen. FOOD must be kept in Kitchen. Eating is ONLY in dining area or kitchen.

Initials Text fieldOnly water is allowed outside of kitchen, dining area. No other drinks allowed outside of these areas.

Initials Text field Program participants are responsible for dating open food and leftovers using a marker. Leftovers will be disposed of weekly during refrigerator clean out.

Initials Text fieldProgram participants are responsible for the cleanliness of the home. Program participants will complete chores as assigned. In addition, program participants will maintain the cleanliness of their personal space. Program participants are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. If you get it out, use it, you must clean it and return it to its location.

Initials Text field Program participant agrees to provide release of information as needed for progression in program.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant agrees to responsibility and commitment of household chores and cleanliness of the home as assigned.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant agrees to assist with maintaining the cleanliness of the common areas in addition to personal space.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant agrees to maintain personal hygiene in an effort to care for themselves and be considerate of others.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant agrees that there are to be NO PETS in the home or on the property.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant agrees to no gambling while in the program.

Initials Text fieldProgram participant will keep exterior doors locked AT ALL TIMES whether inside or outside the home.

Initials Text fieldProgram participants are responsible for information shared via group messaging system. This group message system must be monitored by participant throughout each day and participant is responsible for responding accordingly. 

Initials Text field Program participants are responsible for downloading and installing the OneStep app on their personal cell phone. This app tracks meeting attendance, employment, and overnight requsts. For the app to work correctly, location must be enable at all times. Participants will be required to utilizee this app as part of program compliance. 

Initials Text fieldAny participant discharging for any reason, voluntary or involuntary will need to claim belongings within 30 days of discharge or belongings will be donated at staff discretion. 

Program participant name:Client first nameClient middle nameClient last name

Date of signature: Date

I have read the attached rules and expectations. I AGREE TO ALL.



By signing here, I am submitting my application to be considered for the Recovery Resources Recovery Living Program. I understand that my application does not guarantee my admission to the program:Signature


Recovery Resources Recovery Living Program is a 501c3 (nonprofit) organization. Our program is built and operated by people in long term recovery from substance use disorder. Our mission is to support people pursuing recovery to thrive beyond addiction. Our program is designed to help the person in recovery and to help heal the surrounding community. Our program is meant to support people to gain skills and learn to live a productive life free from addiction. It is our goal that people move on from our program to independence and sustainable futures. As an organization, we believe a vigorous and principled way of life is essential to obtain a life of happiness and freedom from addiction. Your answers to these questions do not determine  appropriate fit for this program. Application, interview and availability will determine access and placement. 

***IF you are in treatment at the time of application and if accepted, your acceptance will be dependent upon you successful COMPLETION of treatment. If you are discharged from treatment prior to scheduled discharge date without successful completion, this could FORFEIT your recovery living program acceptance.