Shoreline Recovery Application
First Name: Client first name
Middle Name: Client middle name
Last Name: Client last name
Driver’s License (state & number): Text field
Email: Client email
Mobile Number: Client phone
Date of Birth: Client birthdate
Age: Text field
Marital status: Client marital status
Children: Checkboxes
If yes, how many and what are their ages? Text field
Gender: Client gender
Veteran: Client veteran status
Treatment Experience
Are you currently in treatment?
If yes, where? TreatmentCenterHistory
Type of program:Treatment center 1 type
Clinician Name: Treatment center 1 notes
Clinician email address: Treatment center 1 address
Clinician telephone number: Treatment center 1 name
Admission date: Treatment center 1 started
Expected discharge date:Treatment center 1 ended
Sobriety/Clean Date: RecoveryHistory
List Alcohol & Drugs of Abuse: Client substances of choice
If admitted, what is your requested move-in date to a Shoreline Recovery home: Date
Please tell us about your recovery history (including past successes and obstacles to maintaining sobriety):
Sober Living Experience
Have you ever lived in a sober house before?:
Name of Sober House: SoberLivingHistory
When did you live there and for how long? Text field
Emergency Contact Information:
Contact #1 Name, Phone, Email
List of Current Medications:
List Psychiatric Medications First
If so, what are you allergic to? Client allergies
Employment & Education
Are you employed?
If not, what job plans do you have? Text field
Employer name and income:
Are you in School:
Highest level of education completed: EducationHistory
Do you currently have any pending legal cases?
If Yes, what are you charged with? Text field
Are you currently on probation or parole?
If Yes, what are you convicted of? Text field
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If yes, what were you convicted of, and in what year did the conviction occur? Text field
Are you currently on the sex offender registry?
Medical & Psychiatric
Do you have a medical doctor?
If yes, Text field
Telephone Number:Text field
Current medical conditions? Client health problems
Do you have a mental health medication prescriber? Checkboxes
If yes, Text field
Name:Text field
Telephone Number:Text field
Do you have a mental health counselor? Checkboxes
If yes, Text field
Name:Text field
Telephone Number: Text field
Psychiatric History:
Have you been diagnosed with or treated for:
Client diagnosis
Bipolar disorder
Post-traumatic stress
Psychosis NOS
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Alcohol abuse
Substance abuse
Suicide attempt
Interpersonal Violence
Eating Disorder
Medical Insurance
Insurance Provider: Insurances
Residential Fees
Who will be responsible for paying your residential fees and living expenses if you are accepted into Shoreline Recovery?
Name: Contact
Full payment is required in advance to confirm your stay at Shoreline. Please Initial Initials Text field
Shoreline Recovery monthly guest fees are either $850 or $1250 per month depending on single or double occupancy. Contact Karen directly at or 203.605.7543 if you are unsure what your fee amount is.
We offer several ways to make payment:
Zelle -
Venmo - @Karen-Ablondi
Cash App - $KarenAblondi
Credit Card - A 3% service charge is applied.
At Shoreline Recovery, we honor the right of first refusal. In doing so, you will be notified if someone else is looking to move in before you. If you want to guarantee the bed for yourself or a loved one, your financial responsibility will start on that day. If you decline this right, you will be notified when another bed becomes available. Please Initial Initials Text field
Shoreline Recovery Cancellation & Refund Policy:
1. Payments made will be refunded in full (less a $50 processing fee) if you cancel 14 days or more before your arrival date. Please Initial Initials Text field
2. If you cancel between 13 days and 1 day in advance, a nonrefundable credit (less a $100 processing fee) will be held for one year from the issue date. Please Initial Initials Text field
3. No credit or refund is available if you cancel on your arrival day, do not show up, or leave Shoreline after moving in for any reason. Please Initial Initials Initials Text field
4. The monthly guest fee ($850-$1250) is due on the 1st of each month. Please Initial Initials Text field
5. The administrative fee ($400) is not a deposit. It is non-refundable. Please Initial Initials Text field
6. Guests are responsible for their food and are required to pay monthly house dues ($25). Please Initial Initials Text field
By continuing, you agree that your electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to your handwritten signature. Whenever you execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as your handwritten signature. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding.
Resident Signature: Signature
Date: Date
Please contact Shoreline Recovery at 203.903.5523 after submitting this application to schedule an interview.