Home: |
Bill's Place |
Room # |
Move-In Date |
Date |
Rent Amount |
$900 |
End of Probation |
Date |
Fee/Deposit |
$250 |
Resident - General Information
First Name: Client first nameMiddle Name: Client middle name Last Name: Client last name
NickName:Client nickname
Preferred Pronoun: Client pronoun Gender Identity: Client gender
Phone #: Client phone Email: Client email
Secured Information
Date Of Birth: Client birthdate SSN/ITIN #: SSN
ID/CDL#:Text field MilitaryID#:Text field
Marital Status: Client marital status Spouse's Name: Text field Phone: Text field
Financial Information
Monthly Income 1: $Text field Source 1: Text field
Monthly Income 2: $Text field Source 2:Text field
Other Monthly Income: $ Text field Available Savings: $Text field
Expenses: Cell Phone Text field Car Loans Text field Other Text field
What is the total of your monthly expenses? $Text field
Emergency Information
Emergency Contact Information
First Name: Text field Last Name:Text field
Phone #: Text field Email: Text field
Relationship To You: Text field
First Name: Text field Last Name:Text field
Phone #: Text field Email: Text field
Relationship To You:: Text field
Medical Information
Do you have Medical Insurance?
Provider: Text field Health Card #: Text field
Contact #: Text field
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? Provide details below.
List Medications:
List Food/ Beverages:
Do you have any chronic medical issues we should be concerned about? (Example: Diabetes, COPD, etc.) Please provide details below:
Client health problems
Do you have any special medical equipment?
Have you been exposed to someone with COVID-19?
IF YES, please explain:
Are you currently experiencing any of the symptoms listed below?
Resident Suitability Questionnaire
Can you walk independently?(Circle) Checkboxes
If No or Sometimes Explain:
Can you participate in household cleaning and chores?Checkboxes
If No or Sometimes Explain:
Can you bath and dress yourself? Checkboxes
If No or Sometimes Explain:
Do you bath every day? Checkboxes
If No or Sometimes Explain:
Do you have any issues with bladder control?Checkboxes
If No or Sometimes Explain:
Are you on Probation or Parole? Checkboxes
If Yes, provide information:
Probation/Parole Officer Name: Text field End Date: Text field
Probation/Parole Contact #: Text field CDC #: Text field
Do you smoke? Checkboxes
IF YES, please explain:
Are you recovering from any addiction that we should be aware of?Checkboxes
IF YES, please explain:
What time do you normally go to bed? Text fieldPM
Do you have any regular medical appointments? Checkboxes
Please explain.
List food items that you do not like:
Meats: Text field
Vegetables: Text field
Other: Text field
List your favorite foods:
Meats: Text field
Vegetables: Text field
Other: Text field
List Activities you enjoy doing:
List concerns you may have living with a roommate?
Do you work or volunteer anywhere?Text field
List ANYTHING else we should be concerned about.
The information I have provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that if I have not provided true and accurate information that it will be grounds for eviction.
Signature: SignatureDate: Date