Date: Date
The following information is considered confidential and will be dealt with as such. Your complete and honest answers will assist us in determining your eligibility and prevent delays in entering the program. Intentionally falsifying any answers could result in being disqualified from Inside Out Re-Entry Services. Please fill out the form completely.
Applicant’s Name: Client first name Client last name DOB: Client birthdate
Address: Text field
Client Telephone: Client phone Client Email: Client email
Alias Names Used: Text field
Have you ever applied to Inside Out before? Text field If so, When? Paragraph
Have you ever been a resident of any of the Inside Out houses? Text field If so, When? Paragraph
Do you have children? Yes Text field No Text field With whom and where do they currently reside? Please include their gender and ages.Paragraph
Are you currently or have you ever been involved with social services regarding your children? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, please explain: Paragraph
Name and phone number of your case worker: Text field
Which of the options below best fits your current status with you and your children?
Sole Custody Text field Joint Custody Text field Guardianship Text field Adopted Text field
Do you have a Department of Corrections Number Text field Yes Text field DOC# Text field No
What is your? Projected Release Date:Date
Case Manager Name: Text field Phone Number: Text field Email: Text field
Are you Native American? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, what tribe? Paragraph
Do you have a CDIB card? Text field
Explain your need and desire to be selected as a resident for Inside Out Re-Entry Services?
Problems Areas
Are there any legal, medical, financial or relationship issues that could prevent you from completing the program?
Text field Yes Text field No
Are you the one seeking help and are you willing to accept counsel? Text field Yes Text field No
Please list any substances or activities to which you are currently or have been addicted to the in the past in order of frequency of use:
Drug Used How Often Used Date Last Used
Text field Text field Text field
Text field Text field Text field
Text field Text field Text field
Alcohol How Often Used Date Last Used
Text field Text field Text field
Have you ever been to a detoxification facility or other treatment program? Text field Yes Text field No
List prior treatment facilities you have entered Paragraph
Date of your last drug/alcohol use: Text field
What did you use? Paragraph
How long have you been using? Paragraph
Finish this statement:
With God’s help, as a result of this program, I would like to change my life in the following five areas:
1. Paragraph
2. Paragraph
3. Paragraph
4. Paragraph
5. Paragraph
Have you attended recovery meetings in the past? Text field Yes Text field No
Have you completed a CR step Study? Text field Yes Text field No
Location Text field Leader Text field
Do you have a sponsor Text field Phone Text field
Are you currently: Text field Single Text field Married Text field Separated Text field Divorced?
Do you have a boyfriend or common law spouse? Text field yes Text field no
I understand I will not be allowed to be in a relationship with anyone of the opposite or same sex in any manner during the course of this program. Text field Initials
Can you commit to remain in the program until staff recommends completion? Text field yes Text field no
Do you want to join Inside Out Re-Entry Services? Text field Yes Text field No Do you feel forced to join? Text field Yes Text field No
When you are confronted on issues, how do you normally react? Paragraph
Have you ever been arrested? Text field Yes Text field No (If yes, list date of arrest – month/year, reason for arrest and outcome: Paragraph
Name and phone number of your attorney: Text field
Are you a listed sex offender? Text field Yes Text field No
Do you have any outstanding warrants? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, please explain: Paragraph
Are you on parole or probation? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, please explain: Paragraph
Name of probation/parole officer: Text field
Phone Number: Text field County/State: Text field
Are you currently incarcerated? Text field Yes Text field No How many times have you been incarcerated? Text field
Where? Paragraph
Have you ever been a victim of sex trafficking, or been involved in prostitution? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, please describe. Paragraph
Have you ever been affiliated with any gang? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, explain your status of said gang:
Height: Text field Weight Text field Hair Color Text field Eye Color Text field
Would you say your health is : Text field Very Good Text field Good Text field Average Text field Declining Text field Poor
Please explain if you listed that your health is declining or poor: Paragraph
Do you have problems in any of the following areas?
Text field Dental Text field Back Text field Neck Text field Orthopedic (bone) Text field Heart
Text field High blood pressure Text field Diabetes Text field Asthma Text field Allergies
If yes to any other medical conditions, describe how it impairs your life: Paragraph
Are you currently prescribed medications for these conditions which you are not taking? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes what medications? Paragraph
Do you have any physical limitations that would prevent you from participating fully in the Inside Out Re-Entry Program?
Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, please explain: Text field
Can you sleep in a bunk bed? Text field Yes Text field No
Name and phone number of your doctor: Text field
Do you smoke? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, how many years? Text field Packs per day? Text field
Would you be willing to quit smoking? Text field Yes Text field No
Have you ever overdosed? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, when? Text field
Do you currently or have you ever had an eating disorder? (Anorexia, bulimia, overeating) Text field Yes Text field No
Were you abused as a child? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, what type: Text field Physical Text field Sexual Text field Verbal
Briefly explain: Paragraph
Is there a history of mental health disorders in your family? Text field Yes Text field No
Are you currently a mental health client? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, please list your therapist's name and location: Paragraph
List all mental health medications you have been prescribed and are currently taking: Paragraph
List any mental health medications prescribed that you are not taking and why you stopped taking them:
Give a brief description of your childhood home environment: Paragraph
Text field Father’s Text field Step Father’s Name Text field Age: Text field
Occupation: Text field
Describe your relationship with him: Paragraph
Text field Mother’s Text field Step Mother’s Name: Text field Age: Text field
Occupation: Text field
Describe your relationship with her: Paragraph
How many siblings do you have: Text field What place are you in the birth order: Text field
Describe your relationship with your siblings as you were growing up: Paragraph
Give a brief description of what it was like growing up in your family: (praise, criticism, punishment, trauma, accomplishment): Paragraph
Were you ever placed in foster care? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, please explain: Paragraph
Did your family move a lot? Text field Yes Text field No If yes, explain: Paragraph
If there are children or stepchildren in your home, describe your relationship with them:
In the event of an emergency please list the names, address and phone numbers of three people:
Name Text field
Address Text field Phone Text field
Name Text field
Address Text field Phone Text field
Name Text field
Address Text field Phone Text field
The program fees are $125 per week without children and $135 per week with children. There are a limited number of scholarships available for those with extreme hardship situations. The fees are based on a sliding scale and no one will be denied access to the program due to a lack of funds. Financial arrangements will be discussed during the interview.
What is your preferred occupation? Text field
When were you last employed? Date
Do you currently have an income? Text field Yes Text field No
What is your source of income? Text field Unemployed Text field Disability Text field Insurance Text field Family
Text field Trust Fund Text field SSI Text field Other: Text field
List all of your financial obligations and amounts: (child support, car payment, restitution, parole/probation, etc)
How will these obligations be met while you are in the program? Text field
Is there anyone who would be willing to help with your expenses while you are in the program? Text field Yes Text field No
If you leave the program prior to graduation, you will need to find transportation to other living arrangements. A friend or family member will need to pick you up or someone will need to provide a bus ticket for you. You may also bring a bus ticket with you when you arrive:
Who will be responsible for this?
Name: Text field Day Phone: Text field
Cell: Text field Address: Text field
Text field I will bring a bus ticket with me when I arrive.
Have you been, or are you now affiliated with any organized religion? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, what is name & type: Paragraph
Do you currently attend services? Text field Yes Text field No
If yes, where? Paragraph
Are you satisfied with your spiritual health? Text field
Leader’s Name: Text field
On a separate piece of paper, state in your own words why you need to join Inside Out Re-Entry Services and describe your commitment to change your life.
WAIVERS (initial each of the following)
I understand that Inside Out Re-Entry Services is not a detoxification facility. Text field
I understand that Inside Out Re-Entry Services is not a medical program. Text field
I understand that as part of Inside Out Re-Entry Services, I will be assigned a task assignment and I waive my right to legal action against IORS and its representatives if I am hurt during that task. Text field
I understand that Inside Out Re-Entry Services provides limited transportation to me while participating in the Inside Out Re-Entry Services Program and I waive my right to legal action against Inside Out Re-Entry Services (IORS) and its representatives if injured while being transported by any of the ministry's vehicles. Text field
I understand that Inside Out Re-Entry Services is not a licensed treatment center and I waive my right to legal action against IORS if staff or volunteers based on any counsel I receive. Text field
Applicant’s Signature: Signature
Date: Date