Tell us about yourself
What is your first name?
Client first name
What is your middle name? No middle name? Move on to the next question.
Client middle name
What is your last name?
Client last name
When is your birthdate?
Client birthdate
What is your race/ethnicity?
Client race
What is your gender?
Client gender
What is your marital status?
Client marital status
Are you a veteran?
Client veteran status
Who Referred You?
Name: Text field Agency: Text field Phone Number: Text field
Medical History
Tell us about your medical history.
When was your last relapse date?
What is your substance(s) of choice? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client substances of choice
Have you been clinically diagnosed with anything? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client diagnosis
Do you have any health problems? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client health problems
What kind of meetings do you attend? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client kinds of meetings attended
What allergies do you have? No allergies? Move on to the next question.
Client allergies
Have you had any of the following tests?
Medical Tests
Occupancy at Cleveland Sober Living
What facility will you be staying at in Cleveland Sober Living?
Text field
What date would you like be admitted to Cleveland Sober Living?
What is the estimated length of stay at Cleveland Sober Living?
Text field
When do you think you will be discharged from Cleveland Sober Living?