Next Chance Recovery Homes
"Take Your Next Chance Here"
If you are interested in applying for residency, please complete this general intake form to be added to our waitlist.
First name: Client first name
Last name: Client last name
Preferred nickname: Client nickname
Phone number: Client phone
Email address: Client email
Date of Birth: Client birthdate
Home City/State: Client CityClient State
Next Chance consists of five recovery homes, each with different phases of living. The Pond House (Falmouth), The Farm House (Forestdale), The Ham House (Wareham), Next Level House (Falmouth), and The Graduate House (Falmouth). Which facility are you applying for today?
Client facility
What is your current sobriety date?
(Enter an estimated date for your last relapse if this is not your first attempt in recovery)
What is your substance of choice?
Client substances of choice
What other substances have you abused in the past?
Text field
What medications are your currently taking?
Please list the names of all your medications:
Do you have any co-occuring conditions? (Please choose all that apply)
Client diagnosis
Please share most recent treatment history including detoxification, residential, PHP, IOP, OP:
If you are active in a treatment program, please provide your case manger's information so we can reach you:
Case manager name:Text field
Case manager phone number: Text field
Case manager email: Text field
Potential Discharge date: Text field
Do you have any children? If yes, please list their names and ages.
Do you have any involvement with DCF, Probation, or Parole? (Please specifiy)
Are you interested in alternative wellness modalities such as yoga, meditation, and/or acupuncture?
Do you have an interest in caring for animals?
Do you have any experience with homesteading, gardening, or raising farm animals? (If yes, Explain)
Text field
Please press submit when you have completed this form. Someone will reach out to you shortly to complete a phone interview.
Phone interviews can also be arranged by text to 774-258-8573 or by email to