
Euthus House Application

 Euthus Ministries   - 1201 W Patricia Ave. #2, Wasilla, AK 99654   Office (907)795-9268

Date of Application:  Date                                  Expected Release Date:  Date

                                                                        Mandatory Release Date:  Date

Full Legal Name:  Client first nameClient middle nameClient last name

PO Name:Probation

Do you go by any other names than what is on your birth certificate? Checkboxes

Please list these names, including all aliases: Text field

Date of birth:  Client birthdate                                             OBSIS # Text field

Do you have your Social Security Card?  Checkboxes    

Photo ID?  Checkboxes   

Birth Certificate?  Checkboxes

Do you have an AK ID or Driver's license?  Checkboxes     If Current, ID/Drivers License#  Text field

Current Phone # Client phone

Current address (if prison, please list prison address)

Client Address

Contact person who can be reached and will always know of your whereabouts? Contact

Family information:

Family Members

Marital status:

Client marital status

Other than a spouse, do you have a relationship with anyone of the opposite sex at this time?  Checkboxes

Full Legal Name:  Text field

Please describe the nature of the relationship:  Text field

 Military History:

Are you a veteran of the United States military?  Client veteran status

In which branch of the service did you serve?  Text field

What were your dates of service?  Text field



List all forms of income you presently receive (DOC, pensions, disability, social security, welfare, etc.)  


Do you currently have your own checking account?  Checkboxes    Saving account?  Checkboxes 

The monthly rent per resident is $750     Initials  Initials Text field  

Have you applied to Second Chance or Mat-Su Reentry?  Checkboxes (If not, apply before release)  Accepted?  Checkboxes

Do you owe child support?  Checkboxes     How much?  Text field

What do you owe for costs and fines?  Text field

Do you owe restitution?  Checkboxes    How much?  Text field

Do you have substantial debts ($1000.00 or more)? If yes, to whom do you owe these debts? Be sure to include credit cards, collection agencies, bad checks, etc. 


Religious Affiliation:


Home Church: Text field



 Do you have any plans of attending school in the future?  Text field


Client health problems

Are you physically and mentally able to work full-time?  Checkboxes  

Are you declared disabled by a doctor?   Checkboxes         Please list your disability:  Text field




Have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric or mental disorder?  Checkboxes   

Client diagnosis

Vehicle Information:

Do you have a vehicle?  Checkboxes     If so, list vehicle information:

Make and year of vehicle:  Text field  Color of vehicle:  Text field

License plate number:  Text field

Current legal minimum amount of auto insurance?  Checkboxes

List insurance company, agent, phone number and policy number.





Criminal History:

Please answer the questions in this section fully and honestly:

Criminal History

Do you have any open charges in Alaska or any state?  Checkboxes       If yes, please list:  Text field

State of charge?  Text field

Have you ever been charged with a sexual crime?  Checkboxes

Do you have any outstanding warrants?  Checkboxes

If yes, please list:  Text field

State warrant is issued in?  Text field


How many times have you been in prison?  Text field

Charge  Text field
State  Text field       Date of arrest  Text field     Date of release  Text field       Currently serving or previously served?  Text field

Charge  Text field
State  Text field       Date of arrest  Text field     Date of release  Text field       Currently serving or previously served?  Text field

Charge  Text field
State  Text field       Date of arrest  Text field     Date of release  Text field       Currently serving or previously served?  Text field

Charge  Text field
State  Text field       Date of arrest  Text field     Date of release  Text field       Currently serving or previously served?  Text field

Do you have any infractions while in prison?  Checkboxes    If yes, how many?  Text field

Infraction  Text field
Date  Text field

Infraction  Text field
Date  Text field

Infraction  Text field
Date  Text field

Infraction  Text field
Date  Text field
What programs have you been involved in during incarceration and which ones did you complete? (please list all you can)

Program  Text field     
Dates in Program   Text field
Program Complete   Checkboxes

Program  Text field
Dates in Program  Text field
Program Complete  Checkboxes

Program  Text field
Dates in Program  Text field
Program Complete  Checkboxes

Program  Text field
Dates in Program  Text field
Program Complete  Checkboxes

Program  Text field
Dates in Program  Text field
Program Complete  Checkboxes

Will you be on Electronic Monitoring?  Checkboxes     


Substance Abuse:

Do you have a history of substance abuse?  Checkboxes   

Client substances of choice

 Last date you used any substance:  Text field


Why do you want to live in this Home?  (check all that best apply to you)  Checkboxes

Other (Please explain)  Paragraph


What needs to change in your life so you do not go back to prison? (You may check MORE than one)  Checkboxes

Other (Please explain  Paragraph


 Employment History:

Please list all past employers including jobs while incarcerated.


 What goals do you have for future employment?  Paragraph


What wages are you willing to accept to start a new job?  Text field

Are you a resident of Alaska?  Checkboxes        If no, what is your state of residence?  Text field

If you are not a resident of Alaska, do you wish to return to another state?  Checkboxes    


Your Story:


**Please use the next section to tell us:

 Who are you? Tell us about yourself and the story of your life, good and bad home life, parents, etc.?

What led you to prison, to addiction, and/or to violence?  Tell us about how you came to faith in Jesus,

what difference He has made in your life, and your life in Him today.

Why do you want to come to the Euthus House?


 **Please read the resident handbook before signing this document:

 Euthus House Resident Manual


Text field (print name) have read the Euthus House Resident Manual and if accepted agree to abide by the guidelines and rules therein.


Resident signature: Signature