The Rules:
Zero-Tolerance: Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC has a strict policy regarding the use of drugs and/or alcohol (This includes Marijuana or any form of THC-based CBD products, as well as Kratom, Kombucha, and Alcohol-Based Mouth Washes). Any use of these substances and/or contraband/paraphernalia found on premises will result in immediate action up to and including, but not limited to, non-compliance restriction and/or immediate discharge. Members with knowledge of other Members using and failing to inform staff will be subject to the same/similar action.“There are no False Positive test results. All Test Results are valid; no excuses will be accepted. |
Sobriety Monitoring: Members are subject to mandatory random urinalysis and breathalyzer screening. Testing will be done at the staff/house manager’s discretion as often as necessary. The member will be given 30 minutes from being asked to produce urinalysis. Upon being asked for a breathalyzer, the member must submit it immediately. Should the member fail to meet these guidelines or refuse any test, immediate action will be taken, up to and including but not limited to the cancelation of the membership and immediate discharge.
Members can expect to have their belongings checked within the house and any mode of transportation they use. If a search is refused, immediate action will be taken, up to and including but not limited to the cancelation of the membership and immediate discharge.
Physical or verbal abuse, acts or threats of violence, and hostile behaviors WILL NOT be tolerated. Immediate action will be taken, including but not limited to behavioral contracts; immediate action will be taken, up to and including but not limited to the cancelation of the membership and immediate discharge.
Members are NOT permitted to remain on the property if they are found to be under the influence or test positive for any prohibited substance. In the event of a relapse, the situation will be handled case-by-case. Members will be offered a ride to detox or hospital by staff. Staff will not take Members to an unknown/unsafe location. If a member refuses detox/hospital, the member will be allowed 30 minutes (with staff/house manager supervision) to find a ride away from the property. If a ride is not obtained, further action may be taken up to and including, but not limited to, contacting local law enforcement. If a member attempts to operate a vehicle at this time, local law enforcement will be contacted immediately.
Medications: If a member is taking any medications (prescription or over the counter), these will be REQUIRED to be kept in their personal bedside safe that is located onsite at all times. Under no circumstances may a member share or distribute their medications to any other member. Medications must remain in your safe at all times. Storage of medications anywhere else on the property is grounds for termination of the client's membership. |
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
RMSL does allow MAT. Your regiment must be doctor-prescribed. Be aware that RMSL does lab tests and monitors your medication levels. If you are a methadone user, you must visit the local clinic to administer your dose. Medications must remain in your locker at all times. Storage of medications anywhere else on the property is grounds for termination from the program.
Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC does NOT assume any responsibility for lost or stolen medications. Should there be a medication issue, Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC will investigate the matter as seen fit and WILL NOT reimburse a member for any associated costs. Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC staff can conduct medication counts anytime.
Regarding Suboxone, Members on this medication will agree to regular and random medication counts conducted by Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC staff (or house manager). Should any discrepancy (over or under) occur in the counts, the member will be subject to immediate action, including but not limited to the cancelation of the membership and immediate discharge.
Regarding methadone usage. RMSL requires that you receive your daily dose of Methadone from the local clinic. Storage of Methadone on the site is prohibited.
House Meetings/Case Management: Members are required to attend MANDATORY house business meetings. The day and time of the House meeting will be at the house manager's discretion. Should a member need to miss these meetings for any reason, the notification must be given to staff no less than 48 hours prior and must be given approval. |
Weekly House Peer Support Meetings: These are not mandatory. The members can also expect to meet with a peer support specialist once a week. The day and time of the House meeting will be at the house manager's discretion. These meetings will cover recovery-related topics as well as weekly check-ins. |
Personal Property/Money: Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC does NOT assume any responsibility and will not reimburse any costs associated with lost, stolen, or damaged personal property. It is the member’s responsibility to maintain and protect all personal items. You should keep money and other valuables in your assigned bedside safe.
Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC staff reserves the right to conduct searches of Members' property at any time, with or without notice. (this includes vehicles).
*Note* Any personal property left behind once the member is no longer in the Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC program will be donated and/or discarded after a period of 7 days.
Personal Vehicles: Members can only have one vehicle on the RMSL property. If, for any reason, the Vehicle becomes inoperable, it must be removed from the property within 72 hours. If not removed, it will be towed at the owner's expense. |
Employment/Volunteering: The member must obtain and maintain active employment, volunteer, attend school, or any combination thereof within two weeks of admittance. And these must consist of a minimum of 30 hours per week. If not working or volunteering Full time, the member must leave the facility between 8 am and 5 pm. They may return for daily lunch for no longer than 30 minutes. The member must remember obligations to attend house meetings, case management, and recovery meetings and balance their work schedule with program obligations. Members must provide proof of hours worked for the first four weeks. Additional requirements may be required on a case-by-case basis. |
Recovery Participation Defined: Joni and Mike want you to pursue any of the 12-step programs that suit you. Members are required to be working on their recovery. This is achieved by doing five recovery-related activities per week for your stay. You can achieve this in many ways, 12-step in-person meetings, Smart Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, Darma, Going to the Phoenix gym, Professional Therapy, and Peer Coaching; the weekly peer support group at the RMSL counts as one activity. RMSL understands that there are many paths to recovery. We expect your active participation in your recovery. If you are not working on a program, your membership will be canceled and removed from the RMSL program. Please note that Zoom 12-step meetings do not count toward recovery-related activities. |
Peer Recovery Coaching & Case Management: Rocky Mountain Sober Living has partnered with Various Organizations to provide our members with free and free peer coaching and case mangement. Upon being admitted to RMSL, Members will be assigned a case manager/peer coach with an agency that RMSL is aligned. Members will meet with case management weekly to help assist with any needs or resources Members will need. Members must meet with their peer coach weekly to work on recovery. We believe a big part of one's success is for Members to have as much support and resources as possible. |
WhatsApp Requirement: I, agree to download WhatsApp; RMSL uses this platform to convey when UAs are due. As well as other important updates. We hope to create a sense of community within each house and RMSL as a whole. The following groups are required to join. House Group, RMSL Main Group, and the Recovery Activity group.
Overnights: Members can take overnights based on their current phase. These can be used one at a time, with 24-hour notice given to the house manager/staff. If more than one overnight is to be used back to back, a minimum of 48 hours notice must be given. Vacations and extended trips must be given at least two weeks' notice to the house manager and will require staff approval. You must request an overnight by scanning the Overnight QR code in the house.
*Note* Members cannot miss any program/house meetings or activities due to an overnight. It is the member’s responsibility to plan/schedule accordingly. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis at staff discretion. If overnights are taken, then there will be a $5 charge for a UA.
Guests: All guests are allowed in the common areas of the house ONLY. This includes living rooms, garages, front/back yards, restrooms, and smoking areas. Guests are NOT allowed in bedrooms for any reason. Guests are to be out of the house and off the property by 9 pm on weekdays and 10 pm on weekdays, with No Exceptions. Guests MUST be sober to visit or be on the property. Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC reserves the right to subject guests to a UA/BA test if they are suspected to be under the influence of any substance. If a guest is found to be under the influence or if the guest refuses to submit to a test, the guest will be required to vacate the property immediately: |
Fraternization: There is ZERO TOLERANCE for fraternization and/or sexual activity in the house or on Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC property. If a member is caught engaging in these behaviors, action up to and including, but not limited to, non-compliance contract, restrictions, and/or immediate discharge will be taken. |
Cleanliness/Chores: Members are expected to maintain a clean environment. This includes making your bed at the start of each day and cleaning your room, and you will be assigned a house chore that is expected to be completed daily. There will be random inspections, and there will also be a monthly deep clean on the first Sunday of each month. |
Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC Property: Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC Property: All property must be treated respectfully. Any damage caused to Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC property will become the financial responsibility of the individual responsible. ANY theft of Rocky Mountain, Sober Living LLC property, will result in immediate action up to and including, but not limited to, immediate discharge and/or law enforcement being contacted. |
Smoking: There is NO smoking in the house. There is a designated smoking area in the rear of the house. All smoking should be kept in this area only. There are also designated cigarette disposal receptacles. Cigarette butts and trash MUST be picked up and kept clean. If a member is caught smoking in the house, their membership will be canceled, and they will be discharged immediately. |
Pets: No pets are allowed in the home at any time. If a guest brings a family pet or animal to visit, pets may be allowed in the yards ONLY, and the member MUST clean up after the animals immediately. |
Portable/Space Heaters: Portable heaters are prohibited in the home/bedrooms. |
Weapons/Firearms: At no time are weapons or firearms permitted to be on or around Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC property. This includes vehicles. Prohibited weapons include but are not limited to swords, butterfly knives, switchblade knives, brass knuckles, guns of any type, and archery bows/arrows. Failure to comply with this may result in action up to and including, but not limited to, immediate discharge or contacting law enforcement. |
Program Discharge: If a member fails to comply with any of the above-stated policies, actions up to and including, but not limited to, immediate discharge may be taken. During program discharge, the member will be given 30 minutes to collect all personal belongings and vacate Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC property. Any belongings not collected in these 30 minutes will need to be collected later, which MUST be scheduled with staff within 72 hours. |
Consent To Background Check: I hereby authorize Rocky Mountain Sober Living LLC of 1716 E Yampa St, Colorado Springs, CO 80909, and/or its agents to make an investigation of my background, references, character, past employment, consumer reports, education, and criminal history record information which may be in any state or local files, including those maintained by both public and private organizations, and all public records, to confirm the information contained on my application and/or obtain other information which may be material to my qualifications for acceptance into the RMSL program. A telephone facsimile (fax) or xerographic copy of this consent shall be considered valid as the original consent. |
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