
 Just Breathe Recovery Community

Housing Application

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Tell us about yourself

What is your first name?
Client first name
What is your middle name? No middle name? Move on to the next question.
Client middle name
What is your last name?
Client last name
When is your birthdate?
Text field
What is your race/ethnicity?
Client race
What is your marital status?
Client marital status
Are you a veteran?
Client veteran

Contact Information

How can we reach you?

What is your email address?
Client email
At what phone number can we best reach you at?
Client phone
Street Address:
Client Address
Client City
Client State
Client Zip


Emergency Contacts

Give us a few people that we can reach out to in case of an emergency.

Initials Text field  Initial to accept the following terms

I give permission for Just Breathe Recovery Community to contact my emergency contacts for any and all emergencies, or after being consulted, for any general issues deemed as a barrier to my improved mental and physical well-being.


Enter your health insurance provider(s).


Background and Medical History

Tell us about you and your medical history.

Who referred you / told you about Just Breathe Recovery?
Text field
How soon do you need /will you be willing to go to sober living?
Text field
Does the sober living need to TDOC approved?
Text field
Do you currently have any aggravated charges?  Is so, explain
Are you listed on the Sex Offender Registry?
Text field
When was your last relapse date /time that you used?
Recovery history 1 relapse date
What is your substance(s) of choice? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client substances of choice
Are you an IV user?
Text field
Have you been clinically diagnosed with anything? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client diagnosis
Do you have any health problems? Add multiple by clicking in the box and selecting different options
Client health problems
Do you have any disabilities?
Text field
What allergies do you have? No allergies? Move on to the next question.
Client allergies
Have you had any of the following tests?
Medical Tests


List the medications you are currently prescribed.

Just Breathe Recovery follows all state and federal guidelines regarding MAT protocol including methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.  I understand and agree that all medications must be approved by staff. This includes all prescriptions or over the counter medications that may become necessary throughout my stay at Just Breathe Recovery Community.  There are no exceptions to this agreement.
Initials Text field  Initial to accept these terms.

Treatment Centers

Tell us about any treatment centers you've previously been admitted into.


Sober Living History

Tell us about any sober livings you've previously been admitted into.



Tell us about your employment status.
If you're currently unemployed select "unemployed" under "type"


Vehicle Information

Tell us about what you drive.


Text field


Text field


Text field


Text field

Drivers License Number?

Text field

Car Insurance Provider?

Text field

Living Arrangement

Tell us about your living arrangement prior to moving into this facility



Initial to accept these terms. 


I agree to pay a one-time application fee of $100.  Initials Text field

I agree to pay $250 a week. Initials Text field

I understand that the application fee plus first week fees are to be paid prior to entry.  Initials Text field

I understand that housing fees are due each week on Friday by 5pm.  Initials Text field

I understand and agree that if I fall behind 2 weeks on my housing fees, I will be referred to a more suitable/appropriate residence. Initials Text field

By submitting this document, I agree that all information is accurate and truthful.  Initials Text field