
Still Worthy Resident or Participant Application Form


Client first nameClient middle nameClient last nameClient pronoun


Date desired for moving in if application is approved: Date

Applicant’s date of birth: Client birthdate

Social Security Number [Optional]: SSN

Substance of Use(Select all that apply): Client substances of choice


Phone Number: Client phoneCell phone Number:Client phone

Email address:Client email


Current physical address: Client Address

Mailing address if different than the above:Client Address


If employed, what is your monthly gross income: Text field



Marital status [Circle one]:    Client marital status       

Level of education completed:EducationHistory


Vocational education. [List specialty and/or certifications]:Paragraph

Are you a veteran Text field

Are you pregnant? [Circle one]:    Text field

Do you hold a valid driver’s license?  [Circle one]:  Text field


Do you have a car or motorcycle? [Circle one]:      Text field

If you do own one of the above, is the vehicle

fully insured and registered?  [Circle one]:Text field




Allergies: Client allergies


Emergency Contact: Contact

Expected discharge date:Date


Who referred you to us? [Please print legibly]:Text field