Candidate Participant Application - Short Form


The Better Path Foundation, Inc.


Candidate Participant Short Form Application


Welcome to The Better Path Foundation, and thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to complete this Candidate Participant Short Form Application.

This Application will help The Better Path Foundation begin to determine your eligibility toward your becoming a participant of one of The Better Path Foundation recovery houses and entering the TBPF program.

Please note that once you submit this Application, we will reach out to you, and you will be asked for additional information and documentation; as The Better Path Foundation needs your help to better understand you and your situation. 

In the event you do not have all the necessary information available while you are filling out the Application, or cannot complete the Application in one sitting, there will be opportunities to save the information you provide in the Application along the way by clicking the "Save for later" button located at the bottom of each page. You may reaccess the Application you started; as long as you save what you have entered by clicking the "Save for later" button as mentioned. Once you click the "Save for later" button, a link will be provided to you so you may go back to the same Application, and continue toward completion of your Application. It is best to copy and paste the link provided to an email or Word document when you click "Save for later;" save the link somewhere you will remember so you have the link available for another time to return to the Application when you are ready to continue toward completion of it.

Please note, that after you click the "Save for later" button while filling out the initial Application, and when you use the link provided to return to the Application at a later time, the Application itself will be appear on one single continuous page versus the initial Application presented on multiple pages. If you need to "Save for later" again, this "Save for later" button will be located all the way to the bottom of the Application. The same identical link will be provided to return to the Application each time you click the "Save for later" button.

Once the Application is complete, at the very end of the Application, there will be a button marked "Submit form" for you to click. Once you click the "Submit form" button, The Better Path Foundation will receive your Application, and you will no longer be able to access or reaccess the Application.

If you have not heard back from someone from The Better Path Foundation within a few days after you submit your Application, please do not submit another Application. You may email us at, and someone will get back with you as soon as possible to help you. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete your Candidate Participant Short Form Application, and we look forward to receiving your completed Application from you.


Your friends at...

The Better Path Foundation, Inc.



Candidate Participant Short Form Application



This Candidate Participant Short Form Application (the “Application”) is presented by The Better Path Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3), Wisconsin nonprofit corporation, its successors and/or assigns, as their interests may appear (known hereinafter as, “TBPF,” or “our”). The person whose name appears under Applicant's Full Legal Name herein below shall be known herein as the “Applicant,” “I,” “me,” ”my,” “you,” “your,” and “their.”


The Applicant affirms that the information contained in this Application has been fully read by the Applicant or read to the Applicant, and the Applicant fully understands all information, statements and questions, and requests for information contained in this Application. The Applicant warrants and represents that the Applicant is of sound mind at the time the Applicant is completing this Application; is not under the influence of any substances which would impair their understanding of the statements and questions, and requests for information for the Applicant to provide factual and accurate answers, and shall complete and provide answers to the statements and questions, and requests for information truthfully, honestly, and to the best of their knowledge.


By continuing into this Application, you acknowledge, understand, and agree with the above in total.




I. Personal and Demographic Information


Applicant’s Full Legal Name:

(First) Client first name (Last) Client last name

(Middle) Client middle name   Generation, if any (i.e. Jr. or Sr., or II, III, IV) Text field

If you have been known by any alternate names or nicknames, please write in all such names below:

       Client nickname

Date of Birth:  Client birthdate   Social Security Number:  SSN

Mobile/Cell Phone:  Client phone   Email Address:  Client email



If the statements or questions below require a Yes or No answer, select either YES or NO. Otherwise, select and/or fill in the appropriate and correct answers to each statement or question, or request for information as provided herein below.


1. I, the Applicant, consent to be contacted by TBPF via SMS, email, phone, and in person using the information provided in this Application for the purposes of reviewing my Application for consideration by TBPF for me to become a participant of a TBPF recovery house and TBPF recovery program.

       Radio buttons

2. I, the Applicant, agree and consent to a background check; which may be obtained at any time by TBPF; whether now or in the future, in TBPF’s sole discretion. Please note, TBPF does not accept anyone with a sexual crime, violent crime while sober, or crime of arson.

       Radio buttons

3. Have you ever been convicted of a sexual crime, violent crime while sober, or crime of arson?

       Radio buttons

4. What is your marital status?

       Client marital status

5. What is your gender identity?

       Client gender

6. What is your race/ethnicity?

       Client race

       Client ethnicity

7. Are you a United States veteran?

       Client veteran status

8. Are you receiving Social Security Income also known as SSI?

       Radio buttons

9. Are you receiving Social Security Disability Income also known as SSDI?

       Radio buttons  

10. Are you currently employed?

       Radio buttons

11. Are you currently enrolled in school?

       Radio buttons

12. What is the highest level of education you have completed?


13. Do you have any professional licenses?

       Radio buttons

14. Who is completing the Application? (Select all that apply)


15. Are you fleeing a domestic violence situation?

       Radio buttons

16. Are you in the process of family reunification?

       Radio buttons

17. Do you have any children?

       Radio buttons

18. Are you pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant? 

       Radio buttons




II. TBPF Program Recovery House Details        



19. All of our rooms at the TBPF recovery houses are shared rooms; for accountability reasons. Do you have any concerns about sharing a room?

       Radio buttons

20. Are you able to go up and down stairs? (All of our recovery homes are at least two-story homes)?

       Radio buttons

21. Can you perform and are you willing to do household chores, i.e. wash dishes, vacuum, sweep floors, mow lawn, landscape, etc.?

       Radio buttons





 III. Current Living Situation


TBPF understands that everyone has a unique journey. In order for TBPF to better understand your transition to the TBPF recovery house and program, it is helpful to understand your current living situation.

22. What best describes your current living situation? (You may select more than one)


23. If you have a physical location (such as an apartment, house, or trailer) as your current living situation associated with question 21. above, please provide your physical address:

              Address:  Text field

              City:  Text field  State:  Text field  Zip:  Text field

24. If you have no permanent place to live and you are currently experiencing homelessness, and you have a mailing address you use to receive mail, i.e. a PO Box, a friend’s or family member’s address, etc., please provide your mailing address below:

              Address:  Text field

              City:  Text field  State:  Text field  Zip:  Text field





IV. Emergency Contact Information and

      Release of Information Contact


Include at least one Emergency Contact. If you do not have someone to put down as your Emergency Contact, consider including your sponsor, probation officer, parole officer, and/or case manager.

25. Who is your Emergency Contact? (This is who will be contacted in the event of an emergency)


26. What is the Emergency Contact’s relationship to you?

       Radio buttons

27. Do you have any personal references to list below?

       Radio buttons

28. If you answered Yes to question 27. above, please provide your personal references below:






V. Substances Used


29. When you previously used substances, what was/were your substance(s) of choice? 

       (Please select all that apply - click inside of the box to make additional selections)    

       Client substances of choice

30. Do you vape? 

       Radio buttons

31. Do you have a prescription for medical marijuana?

      (Marijuana use is strictly prohibited/not permitted while a participant is in our recovery program, for any reason, whatsoever; even with a prescription)

       Radio buttons

32. Do you use THC or CBD products? (THC and CBD use is strictly prohibited/not permitted while a participant is in our recovery program, for any reason, whatsoever)

       Radio buttons

33. Are you using any medication assisted treatment (MAT), i.e. Suboxone, Methadone, Vivitrol, etc.?

       Radio buttons

34. If you answered Yes to question 33. above, please provide the name of the medical facility provider you go to where medication assisted treatment (MAT) is provided; along with the phone number and what medication this facility/provider provides to you.

        a. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field

        b. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field

        c. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field

        d. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field

        e. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field

        f. Name of facility/provider: Text field

            Phone No. of facility/provider:  Text field

            I am prescribed the following MAT:  Text field




VI. Health


35. Do you have a Primary Healthcare Provider?

       Radio buttons

36. Do you have any food allergies?

       Radio buttons

37. Do you have seasonal allergies?

       Radio buttons

38. If you answered Yes to question 37. above, do you take medication; prescription or over-the-counter medication to treat your allergy(ies)?

      (Medication containing Sudafed is not permitted while you are a participant in our recovery program)

       Radio buttons

39. Do you have any of the following clinical diagnoses?

      (Please select all that apply - click inside of the box to make additional selections)    

       Client diagnosis        

       Also, have you been diagnosed with any of the following? (select all that apply)


40. Do you have any health problems?

       Radio buttons

41. If you answered Yes to question 40. above, do you have any of the following health problems?

       (Select all that apply - click inside of the box to make additional selections)                             

       Client health problems  

42. Are you currently taking any over-the-counter (OTC) medications?

       Radio buttons

43. Are you currently taking any prescription medications?

       Radio buttons

44. If you answered Yes to question 43. above, please identify each prescription medication you are taking, and the Doctor's name and telephone number who prescribes the medication to you (Please be sure to include the Doctor's office telephone number in the "Notes" field below):






VII. Recovery and Treatment


45. Are you currently in a treatment facility or treatment program?

       Radio buttons

46. If you answered Yes to question 45. above, please provide the treatment facility or program details below.

       Name of facility or program: Text field

       Staff Contact Name:  Text field

       Facility or program phone No.: Text field

       How long have you been there:  Text field

       Is this an inpatient or outpatient facility or program? (Select one): 

       Radio buttons 

47. Have you been in detox recently?

       Radio buttons

48. If you answered Yes to question 47. above, please provide the most recent detox facility details below:

           Name of facility: Text field

           Staff Contact Name:  Text field

           Facility or program phone No.: Text field

           When did you enter into detox? (Provide a date if known, or how many days or weeks ago, i.e. 17 days ago, 30 days ago, 5 weeks ago, etc.):

            Text field  

           What were you there to detox from, what substance(s)?: Text field

49. Which type of meeting(s) do you attend? (Select all that apply)


           If you attend any meetings other than what is listed above, please enter the other meetings you attend: Text field

50. What was the first date of your most recent recovery (What is your clean or sober date)?

       Text field





VIII. Assistance


51. Do you have immediate needs such as clothing or toiletries?  

       Radio buttons

52. Do you need assistance with any self-help, support group and/or networks within the local community, i.e. peer support counselor?

       Radio buttons

53. Do you need help to renew or obtain any forms of identification, i.e. driver's license, state identification card, etc.?

       Radio buttons

54. Do you need assistance with any food programs?

       Radio buttons

55. Do you need assistance with a Metro bus pass?

       Radio buttons

56. Do you need assistance with applying for health insurance through Forward Health/Consortium?

       Radio buttons

57. Do you need assistance with referrals to other organizations that may provide for some or all of your TBPF recovery house and program expenses?

       (Qualifications are required for such programs that may be available)

       Radio buttons

58. Do you need assistance with finding a job/work?

       Radio buttons




IX. Legal Matters


59. Do you have a Probation Officer?

       Radio buttons

            If you answered Yes to question 59., what is your Probation Officer's name and phone number?

                 Probation Officer's Name: Text field

                 Probation Officer's phone number: Text field

60. Do you have a Parole Officer?

       Radio buttons

            If you answered Yes to question 60., what is your Parole Officer's name and phone number?

                 Parole Officer's Name: Text field

                 Parole Officer's phone number: Text field

61. Do you have a Pretrial Services Officer?

       Radio buttons

             If you answered Yes to question 61., what is your Pretrial Services Officer's name and phone number?

                  Pretrial Services Officer's Name: Text field

                  Pretrial Services Officer's phone number: Text field

62. Are you currently involved in any legal proceedings or criminal justice issues?

       Radio buttons

63. Do you have a requirement to perform Community Service?

       Radio buttons

64. Do you have any court ordered treatment requirements?

       Radio buttons

65. Do you have any pending sentencing or possible jail time upcoming?

       Radio buttons

66. Are you required to register with any authority for any reason?

       Radio buttons

67. Are you on or required to register with the National Sex Offender Registry?

       Radio buttons

68. Are there any restraining orders against you?

       Radio buttons

69. Are there any restraining orders filed by you against anyone?

       Radio buttons

70. Have you been charged or convicted of a felony?

       Radio buttons

71. Have you been charged or convicted of arson?

       Radio buttons

72. Have you ever commited a violent crime while you were sober?

       Radio buttons

73. Do you have any legal requirements to adhere to?

       Radio buttons

74. If you answered Yes to question 73. above, select all legal requirements that apply:

       (Select all that apply):  


       If you have a legal requirement for something other than is listed above, enter it here:  Text field

75. Are you currently incarcerated?

       Radio buttons

76. If you answered Yes to question 75. above, in what facility are you currently located?

       (i.e. FCI Oxford, WI…Oakhill Correctional Institution, Oregon, WI, etc.)

       Facility name and location: Text field

       What is your expected release date? Date

       What is your Case Manager’s name? Text field

       What is your Case Manager's phone number or the facility's phone number; if available to you? Text field




IX. Recovery House Info


77. If you are approved to be a participant of the TBPF recovery house and program, by what date would you like to move in:


78. Do you have a personal relationship with anyone who lives in a TBPF recovery house, or with any TBPF staff or volunteers?

         Radio buttons

79. Do you acknoweldge, understand, and agree that in the event you are accepted as a TBPF participant, there are TBPF rules that must be followed, and failure to follow the TBPF rules may lead to your being removed from the TBPF recovery house and program?

          Radio buttons





X. Transportation


80. Do you have a valid driver's license?

         Radio buttons

81. If you answered Yes to question 80. above, do you have a vehicle you drive? (i.e. may be owned, borrowed, or rented)

         Radio buttons

82. If you answered Yes to question 81. above, do you have valid automobile insurance or does the owner of the vehicle you borrow or whom you rent from have valid automobile insurance?  

         (Any vehicle you drive while you are a TBPF participant must have a valid auto insurance policy of insurance connected to it)

         Radio buttons 

83. If you answered No to question 80. above, do you have a State issued identification card?   

         Radio buttons





XI. General


84. How did you hear about TBPF, or who referred you to TBPF? (Write in your answer)





Applicant Statement of Fact


I, the Applicant, acknowledge and agree that I have read this Application, or I have had this entire Application read to me. I warrant and represent that I fully understand all of the statements and questions, and requests for information in this Application in order to have entered my answers within this Application; providing all my answers and information with accuracy, truthfully, and to the best of my knowledge.

Initials Text field

Further, I affirm I am of sound mind, fully sober, at the time I completed this Application.

Initials Text field

I authorize TBPF to obtain a background report in connection with my submission of this Application; which TBPF shall obtain in its sole discretion, and may be obtained at any time; whether during the review of this Application, while I am being considered by TBPF to be a participant of the TBPF recovery house and program, or anytime thereafter should I be approved as a participant. I have also signed the TBPF Authorization, attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Initials Text field

I further understand, acknowledge, and agree that TBPF shall rely upon the answers and information contained in this Application that I have provided in consideration of approving me to enter one of the TBPF recovery houses and program. In the event I should be approved to become a TBPF participant, and TBPF shall later learn that I entered any false or misleading information onto this Application, this shall be grounds for my immediate termination/exit from the TBPF recovery house and program; at the sole and complete discretion of TBPF.

Initials Text field

I lastly acknowledge, understand, and agree that completing this Application, and submitting this Application to TBPF, in no way guarantees me that I shall be approved to become a TBPF participant. Until such time as TBPF issues me a written approval confirming that I have been approved to become a TBPF participant, I am not a TBPF participant.

Initials Text field

By continuing, you agree that your electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to your handwritten signature. Whenever you execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as your handwritten signature. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered as of the date appearing adjacent to my signature herein below.


 Signature:  Signature Date: Date

Print Name: Text field


If a third party helped you to complete the Application, please fill out the third party information found on the next page,

and then you may submit your Application.



In the event this Application was completed with the assistance of a third party; other than the Applicant alone, please print the name of the third party who assisted the Applicant in completing this Application; along with providing the third party’s valid phone number and valid email address. By entering the name and contact information of the third party below, Applicant understands, acknowledges, and agrees that TBPF may contact the third party to ask the third party questions concerning this Application, and may require a Release of Information from you in connection with the third party entered herein below.

In the event a third party assisted you with this Application, and in the event the third party information provided below is invalid, this Application in its totality shall be considered invalid and as such this Application shall be void.

Print Name of Third Party:  Text field

Phone No. of Third Party:  Text field

Email Address of Third Party:  Text field



Thank you...

for taking the time to complete and submit your Application.


Once you click "Submit form" at the bottom of this page;

assuming you completed all required questions and statements, and requests for information properly,

TBPF will receive your Application.

After which, TBPF will be in contact with you.

In the event you do not hear from TBPF as soon as you would like,

please feel free to email TBPF at

Please do not submit another Application, or the review process may take even longer. 


Thank you again for your submission of your Application,

and have a nice day.