House Guidelines

Just Breathe Recovery Community

House Guidelines


I am expected to be at work or my daily routine, (i.e., IOP, school, volunteer work, community service, etc.) during scheduled times.  I must notify staff of any changes in my schedule such as sick leave, vacation, time off, early dismissal, etc.

Community Meeting 

Each week there is a community meeting.  I will schedule all other activities or work schedules around this meeting.  There are some exceptions made from time to time and case by case.  In addition to these community meetings, I am asked to attend one Recovery meeting of my choice each day and meet “in person” with my sponsor at least once a week.


I understand that curfew at JBRC is 10:00pm, Sunday – Thursday, and 11:00pm Friday and Saturday.  I understand that I must plan so that I am not late.  Curfew is checked every night.  Absolutely no tardiness is acceptable.  If a curfew extension is needed for any reason, I should submit a request form at the community meeting prior to the requested date. 

Dating / Fraternizing

Just Breathe Recovery has a strict “No Fraternization” policy for a minimum of 60 days.  I understand this mean no dating, hanging out, or spending time with members of the opposite sex.  I am willing to put it a relationship I am already in on hold and focus on your recovery.  At 60 days, I may process dating privileges in the community meeting and receive feedback from my peers and staff. 

Dismissal - Exit Plan

I understand the importance of developing an exit plan.  I agree to give a 30-day written notice to staff.   I will provide a forwarding address and update my address with the US Post Service so that mail will be sent to my new residence.   JBRC is not responsible for forwarding my mail to me and will return to sender. 

If I find that my actions do not align with the philosophy of JBRC and I cannot abide by the house guidelines, I will make the decision to exit the property after having a discussion with staff.   If requested, JBRC can provide me with a list of more suitable/appropriate residences.  

If I violate the house guidelines and put the safety and well-being of those who are serious about long-term recovery in jeopardy, I will be immediately dismissed without refund.   JBRC will provide me with a list of more suitable/appropriate residences.  

I understand that if I leave before developing a plan or without notice that any belongings left at JBRC will not be kept for more than 72 hours.  Belongings left will be disposed of at the discretion of JBRC staff.

All dismissals or exits are under the discretion of management and the resident and are FINAL with no refunds.  Once a resident is asked to leave, JBRC is released of ANY/ALL liability or responsibility. 

Dress Code

I understand that proper dress is expected to be worn at all times.  No over revealing clothing will be allowed.  No pants hanging below the underwear level.  Clothing (top and bottom) should be worn at all times in the residence. 

Drug and Alcohol Screens

I commit to complete abstinence from all mind- and mood-altering substances.  This includes illegal drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs (certain medical exceptions can be made), Kratom, duster, CBD/hemp products, or any other substance used to alter my mind or mood. 

As a resident, I will submit to random drug and alcohol screens, including urine analysis and/or breathalyzers.  Upon entry to JBRC, I will submit to a urine drug screen.  Drug screens will be conducted randomly on a weekly basis.  If I am observed acting in a suspicious, unusual, risk-suggestive behavior or show visible signs of in toxification, I may be subject to a drug screen.  I understand that I will be subject to testing when I leave and return from overnight passes, and/or specified events.  When informed of a drug screen, I will have 1 hour to comply with the request. 

JBRC has a zero tolerance for a failed drug or alcohol screen.  If I have a positive drug screen result, I will be given the opportunity to submit for another drug screen.  If a second test indicates a positive result, I understand that I will be asked to immediately leave property. 

If I refuse to submit for a drug screen, I understand that I will be asked to immediately leave property.

JBRC is not liable or responsible for me once the decision has been made to leave property.


I am permitted to have a cell phone.  I may have a clock radio in my room, but it must be maintained at a sound level that is considerate of my roommates and not heard outside of the residence. 

WIFI is provided in the residence. 

I can have a computer while at JBRC.   I will not view pornography or participate in excessive usage of computer systems.  Loaning my computer to a roommate is done so at my own discretion and is not considered a good policy to practice. 

A TV is provided for use in common areas.  The use of PlayStation, Xbox and other gaming systems are permitted at the discretion of management.

I understand the TV is to be shared among the residents.  There will be no “controlling” of the TV by any one person.  Violations of this behavior will not be tolerated.


I understand that as a resident of JBRC, I am required to be employed within 1 month of moving in.  The only exception to this is full-time students, individuals on disability, or situations pre-approved by the staff.   My job must not conflict with curfew and mandatory meetings. 


JBRC staff are on call for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I understand that I should contact staff immediately in case of any house emergency, medical emergency, risk or harm to (or by) another resident, relapse or suspected relapse, or a resident’s violation of curfew.

I understand that failure to do so is grounds for dismissal without refund.  Everyone’s safety is top priority and will not be compromised.  There are evacuation plans, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors located throughout the residences.  All emergence exits are clearly marked. 

If I have questions about the emergency procedures or what constitutes as an emergency, I will speak with staff.

Explicit Materials

I understand that possession of pornography, texting sexually inappropriate messages, calling pornographic “sex talk” numbers, being on dating apps/website, or engaging in any form of pornographic behavior is not permitted.  If I am found in possession it will result in the immediate dismissal without refund.


I agree to pay a one-time application fee of $100.  Application fees are non-refundable.

I agree to pay $250 a week in housing fees.   Fees are due each week on Friday by 5pm. 

I understand that the application fee plus first week fees are to be paid prior to entry.

I understand and agree that if I fall behind 2 weeks on my housing fees, I will be referred to a more suitable/appropriate residence.  

Program fees can be paid by cash, check, money order, or online via credit card.  If I wish to pay online, I will provide an email address for invoicing that can be paid by debit or with credit card.   There is a 3% processing fee for online payments. 


I am responsible for providing my own food.  I understand that I should not take items that I didn’t purchase.  I should always ask my housemates permission if I need to borrow an item to prepare a meal.   In a shared living environment, it is an exercise in cooperation and respectfulness to coexist.  There will be no tolerance for arguments over food.

Food items are to be consumed in the kitchen and dining room are only.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS. 

The kitchen and dining room should be cleaned after each use.  No dishes should be left in the sink, on the countertops or in the microwave.

Good Neighbor

I will treat all neighbors with the utmost respect and consideration.  I will keep noise to a minimal as to not disturb.  I will not leave trash or cigarette butts in the streets or on neighbor’s property.  I will pick up and dispose of any trash I see lying on the ground.  I will always drive carefully, paying attention to posted speed limits and any children that might be in the area.  I will operate my car radio at low tones to not be heard outside of the car.  I will park in the driveway or in front of the residence not blocking the neighbors.  


I understand that if I have a grievance toward the guidelines or policies of JBRC, I can put the grievance in writing to management.  Management will respond to my grievance within 48 hours. A Grievance Form can be obtained from the house manager or JBRC management.

Letter of Residency or Acceptance

I can request documentation that I may need for probation or parole, legal cases, food stamps, or any other reason.


I can maintain and administer my own medications.  A list of all medications I take must be completed and kept in my file with JBRC.  If my medications change, I must immediately notify JBRC staff. 

JBRC is a Medically Assisted Recovery (MAR) friendly sober living.  All medications that are deemed as Controlled Substances by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be kept in a locked safe in a secured room that only staff can access.  When it is time to take these medications, I will let staff know so that they can be retrieved and will sign for them.  

If I fail a drug screen due to prescribed medications that JBRC is not aware of, it is grounds for immediate dismissal.

I understand that JBRC will periodically request a medication reconciliation.  If the reconciliation is different from the count that is maintained in the OneStep app or reports show that the I am taking excessive/not taking medications as prescribed, JBRC staff and I will decide on a plan of action.  I understand that if I am not willing to take the medications as prescribed by medical staff, I will be asked to immediately leave property. 

I will speak to the staff if I have any questions regarding medications I am taking or JBRC medication policies.

One Step Recovery App

I understand that JBRC uses the One Step Recovery App for monitoring and community engagement.  I will download the App and agree to have my location setting set to “Always On.”   I understand that if I change the location settings for the App, I could be immediately dismissed without refund.  If I experience issues with the app, I must alert staff immediately so they can resolve any glitches.  

Overnight Pass

I understand that I may request a Pass once I have been at JBRC for 30 days.   Pass request forms can be obtained from staff and completed electronically or returned during the community meeting on Sunday.  All information must be completed, including Personal Recovery Plan, for the pass request to be considered.   A decision regarding approval or denial of the pass request will be determined with 72 hours of submission.

Any changes or delays must be communicated to staff.

Immediately upon return from a pass, I will submit to a drug screen.  If I have a positive drug screen result, I will be given the opportunity to submit for another drug screen.  If a second test indicates a positive result, I understand that I will be asked to immediately leave property.

Personal Belongings

I understand that any valuables such as money, jewelry, stereos, pictures, etc., are my responsibility, and should always be secured.  JBRC is not responsible or liable for my personal belongings.

I understand that it is not good practice to share clothing, personal property, loan money, and/or drive another resident’s vehicle. 

I understand that any belongings left at JBRC after I leave will not be kept for more than 72 hours.  Belongings left will be disposed of at the discretion of JBRC staff.

Personal Cleanliness and Chores

I am responsible for keeping my residence in a neat and orderly fashion.  I will keep my bed always made, carpets vacuumed, floors swept, room dusted, and clothing clean and put away.  I am expected to keep the bathroom and kitchen clean after each use.  I understand that the couch is in a community area and that I should not sleep there. 

I agree that bedroom areas are private, and I will not enter into another resident’s bedroom/space without permission.  

I understand that staff have the right to inspect the premises at any time.  This includes my dresser, closets, and personal items. 

I agree to complete my assigned chore daily.  If I do not know how to do the chore, I will ask for help.    Maintaining a level of cleanliness through the week is mandatory.  Deep cleaning will happen once a week under management supervision. 


I understand that I am not permitted to have pets will at JBRC.  No pets should “visit” the property without prior approval from staff.  This is out of consideration to everyone living at the residence.

Receiving Mail

I understand that as a resident, I am not allowed to get the mail from the mailbox, only JBRC staff should do so.   All mail/packages that are delivered should be accepted by JBRC staff.   Mail/packages will be distributed by JBRC staff and should be opened in their presence.  

When I am ready to exit JBRC, I will provide a forwarding address and update my address with the US Post Service so that mail will be sent to my new residence.   If I am not sure of how to update my address, I will ask for help from staff.   JBRC is not responsible for forwarding my mail to me and will return to sender. 

Recovery Work

I am willing to get a sponsor who will guide me through the 12 Steps of Recovery.  JBRC expects everyone to have at the very least, a temporary sponsor within 30 days.  JBRC will help me learn what to look for in a sponsor and assist me in finding one if needed.  I am expected to attend to attend one 12-step meeting of my choice every day.  There may also be other meetings, retreats and functions throughout the year I will be invited to participate in. 


I agree to always treat residents and staff with respect and courtesy.   I expect to be treated with respect and courtesy by other members of the residence and staff.  I will consult with management before any conflicts escalate and become problematic.  This includes issues with TV volume, video games, poor hygiene, cleanliness, etc.


If I am ill, I should inform staff as soon as possible.  I am expected to report my chemical dependency to any medical person I see personally.  I am expected to report to staff any person I will be seeing medically, before the appointment, and bring any requested paperwork to staff.

This includes dentist, optometrist, ER visits, quick clinics, etc.  Staff should be made aware of any prescribed medications BEFORE I fill ANY prescriptions.


I understand there is no smoking, vaping, or burning of any substance (including candles or insense) is strictly prohibited within the house.  There are designated smoking/vaping areas provided.  Cigarettes should be disposed of in the appropriate container.  


I am responsible for my own transportation expenses.  JBRC residences are located conveniently to public transportation.  People with vehicles in our program work together to offer rides to help those who do not have vehicles.  If I receive a ride from another resident, I am expected to help pay for gas expenses.

I can have a bike.  It is my responsibility to make sure the bike is secure.  JBRC is not responsible for stolen property. 

My vehicle must have current tags, registration, and insurance.  Vehicles will be parked in designated areas and security of vehicles is my responsibility.  There will not be storage of inoperable vehicles on the premises and all vehicle maintenance must be performed off the premises.


I understand there are to be NO VISITORS ON THE PREMISES except for JBRC staff.   Approved volunteers and guest with specific permission from management will be allowed at times as to not interrupt the residence schedule.  I may request for approved visitors/family to be on property.  

If this occurs, it is grounds for immediate dismissal.


I understand that weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited.   I understand that wielding any object as a weapon is not permitted.  I agree that threats, either verbal or physical, overt acts of violence or fighting will result in immediate dismissal. 

What to bring

Please be mindful that you will have limited storage space.   We suggest that you pack as lightly as possible.  Keep in mind that you can always get more stuff, have stuff mailed to you or purchase as needed.  You are expected to keep your clothing and belongings neat and always straightened. 

·         Weather appropriate casual clothing and dress clothing (for job searching and church).

·         Toiletries and other bathroom related products.  It is recommended to bring a small plastic bin or basket to organize them and keep them separate from others. 

·         Books for reading, a personal journal, notebooks and pens, highlighters, etc., are encouraged.

·         An iPod, MP3 player with headphones.  Do not bring any large stereo equipment or TV’s

·         Laptop, tablet, or notebook computer. 

·         Favorite snacks

What Just Breathe Recovery Provides

·         Basic household toiletries and cleaning supplies (paper towels, toilet paper, Lysol Wipes, hand soap, etc.)

·         Linens and pillows for a standard size twin bed. 

·         Bath towels, wash cloths

·         Televisions with cable

·         High speed wireless internet for use with any WIFI devices

·         A Big Book and copy of 12 Steps and 12 Traditions







As a member of Just Breathe Recovery Community, I, Client first name Client last namehereby agree without reservation to all the listed guidelines.  I understand Just Breathe Recovery Community and the residents it serves, and I commit to creating a peaceful and harmonious environment for fellow residents. 

The Resident shall occupy the premises in accordance with all laws and regulations pertaining thereto. Resident shall return the premises at the termination of residency in the same condition as received, ordinary wear and tear.

This agreement shall terminate in the event that the premises are destroyed, other than negligence of the Resident, or upon taking of the property under legal authority of eminent domain.

Residents at Just Breathe Recovery Community are pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 66-28-102(c)(1), which states residence at an institution, public or private if incidental to detention or the provision of medical, geriatric, educational, counseling, religious, or similar service is not subject to the provision of the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act of Tennessee. In other words, this agreement is not a lease and notice is not required to discharge a resident for violation of environmental guidelines.

By continuing, you agree that your electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to your handwritten signature. Whenever you execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as your handwritten signature. You will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of your electronic signature or claim that your electronic signature is not legally binding.


Signature:  Signature

Date:  Date